Ed x Reader - Are they dating?

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Y/N and Ed are currently at a small party a friend of theirs hosted, the second they got there it got louder and more exciting, y/n stole a mic from the stage and is singing the songs playing while Ed is on the table beside her laughing and dancing along. 

An hour later the two are goofing off, spinning each other, dancing, singing, joking and laughing while some spectators are pondering about something, 

"i dunno" 

"they don't even know how often they flirt"  

"yea honestly its painful how blunt those two are" 

"guess thats why there so close" a voice chuckles  

one of the spectators then takes it upon himself to confront the two,  "hey ed, hi y/n"   "hey roy wasup?" the girl asks while dipping ed and then ed goes to sip his drink and y/n focus's her attention to roy   "i was just wondering, are u two dating now?"  he asks there was a moment of silence until ed chokes on his drink and y/n drops her mic,  

"What?!" ed yells to roy 

"roy, were best friends, were not in a relationship" 

but to roy their bright red faces showed him otherwise, he looked unconvinced and then said "if you say so"  as he makes his way back to where his friend was 

"well at least i got amusing reactions"

"they'll date eventually" 

"yes but their cluelessness is quite annoying" . 

meanwhile y/n and ed have recovered and y/n runs behind him, then jumps on Eds back while he spins both him and y/n around, laughing together you fall over and just lay on the floor for quite some time. 

"or maybe they'll never figure it out because both of them are weirdo idiots" . 

and thats that, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and thank you for reading! 

- Sincerely, Your Author   :) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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