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It has been a six months since I arrived from Paris. I pretty much didn’t allow an interview. I took a break and focused on my hobbies more. I painted, tried gardening and cooking specialties that are exotic.
I kept myself occupied for the past weeks since I don’t want to think about him again.

I took some language class and learn five languages. Russian, French, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish.
After having done those things, I decided to work again and get every job offered. There is no room for resting for me.

“Are you okay, Isla?”

“Yes, mama Honey. I’m fine.”

“Ayaw mo bang magpahinga?”

“Ma, I have been resting since I arrived from Paris and that was months ago.”


“I’m okay lang po, mama.”

I had endorsements shoots and offers for a runway show in New York. I had taken them all plus I am started attending an acting workshop.
Ayaw kong magpahinga.

“Want to endorse a tequila brand?”

“Sure! When is it?”

“The day after tomorrow.”
I look at my personal assistant.

“Pakilagay sa schedule ko, please.”

“But Isla, you have lots of things on your plate!”

“Mama, I’m fine. I want to work harder.”

“You are not working harder. You are killing yourself. “

The next following days were me being busy.

I’ve shoot a soda endorsement, clothing and lip kits photoshoot, acting workshop, some due paper works for my school since I just started home schooling for a new bachelor’s degree, a runway show for a charity and researching for my new business.

Mama Honey and my parents tried to stop me from doing the works but I didn’t listen to them.

Do I get enough sleep? I don’t know.
Currently, I am doing some paper works for school. It’s for the requirements of the end semester plus the upcoming exams.

“Miss Isla, I have sent you the modules you need to answer and the other requirements you should pass before the end of this month.”

I went through my email and downloaded the modules. I felt thirsty so I stood up to get some water. I finished my water in my Spongebob Squarepants tumbler. Before I could take another step, the whole surrounding went dark.

The smell of antiseptic filled my nose. I slowly opened my eyes and worried parents were in front of me. I figured out that I am in a hospital.

“Aidan, call the doctor.” Dad instructed my brother.
Mom immediately hug me tightly.

“Pinag-alala mo kami, anak.”

“Are you okay, princess?”

I nodded. The doctor entered the room and check some things in me.

“You suffered from over fatigue. You need to rest and eat properly.”

“Opo, doc.”

I was slipping on my treatment for my eating disorder. Mom knew about it and she was worried.

“You need to continue the treatment. I will inform Honey to cancel all of your upcoming appointments until you are all healed.  Understand?”

They did really cancel my jobs.

“Your health is more important, princess. I work my ass off to provide you and your children’s children with the best things in life. You don’t need to work so hard. Daddy can provide.”

We went to Maldives to spend our time hitting the beach.

On the first day, we just had to rest from a long flight.

The second day came and we went snorkeling.

One of the reasons I love swimming is that there’s no talking to be done. It’s just me, and the noise of the water in my ears, its taste in my mouth. Besides, I grew up in an island until I was eleven.

Snorkeling is one of my favorite things to do, and rumor had that it reaches a whole different level in Maldives which I prove is correct. The incredible variety of colored fish and corals are absolutely jaw dropping and it can’t get any better than that.

Then water flying, fun tubing, parasailing, diving, surfing, stand up paddle (SUP), fishing, spa treatment, and going to a sand bank, eating from tropical fruits to delicious fishes; from barbequed meat to Japanese or Italian cuisine, visiting a local island and Male and the gorgeous villa we stayed.

For a week of exhausting but fun activities, it was time to go home.
The most unforgettable moment was when I witness the amazing sunset and sunrise. When I saw the last sunset from Maldives, I promise myself to be better and fix the broken me.

When we went home, my friends organized a kiddie party at a hotel. We stayed there overnight.

We had done some face paintings, pillow fights, watch a cartoon show, eat kiddie meals, and dressed like kids.

The whole thing was so fun.

“Welcome back, Isla.”

“Hi, mama Honey! Got you some gifts.” I gave her the bag full of presents I found while in Maldives.

“Thanks for this, hija.”

“No problem. I also want to thank you.”

My schedule was suddenly jam packed after I went on a vacation or was that soul searching?

I had some endorsements but still refuse for an interview about what actually happened. I myself doesn’t know what happened and what went wrong.

I am booked for a fashion show in New York and my flight is within days.

One of my appointment was a music video shoot for Déjà vu by Olivia Rodriguez.

I am on set and wearing a Multi Wear Panel Dress and Beige Oversized Handmade Coat. I was instructed to walk around the street barefooted.
The concept would be me, being Olivia’s doppelganger. His ‘boyfriend’s’ new girl that dresses and acts like her. That’s why the song is called déjà vu.

I was so in love the first time I heard the song and then after the first outfit, I changed into an identical green dress like Olivia’s. Even our hairstyle is the same.

“More emotions!”
“Be playful in front of the mirror!”
“Someone is looking at you, and you just continued doing your thing.”
“Olivia, you’re confused and mad that you see another girl dressing and acting like you.”
“You waved hi to her and smiled. Show me a mocking look, Isla. Good!”
“And that’s a wrap!”
I changed into the outfit that I wore when I got here.
“Not bad for a first timer, Isla.” Olivia praised.
“Thank you for having me, Olivia.”

I left the set and drove myself to somewhere the sunset is clearly seen. It’s near.

I count to one and closed my eyes wishing to the sunset.

“I hope the universe would unfold good things to me.”

All I Want (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now