If you are a fan way back in 2011 , you should be no stranger to the webcams, twitcam, livestream, call it whatever you want, they all have done at least 2 and they had fun, they talk to us , we ask questions, not very good ones if you tell me.
Story time
One time a louis and harry were doing a webcam together right, so they were going to call this fans number to see if she had any questions for them, and guess what she asks them" can you follow me on twitter", okay I dont want to be mean for saying this but that girls is slow, I love you girl, I do, but you get one chance to ask anything to Louis, and harry and this is the best you can do . I feel very embarrassed of you , I would ask them where they live, or write down their phone number to you know DEFINITELY not call them later to see if it is legit, but hey you do you.
Anyways back to the webcams , ooh remember when louis tried to prank call one of the boys when he was on a livestream and he called zayn, he tried to sound like a crazy fan, and well..he..when he tried..zayn.. ughh see the video for yourself and if you already watched it watch it again , it will make you smile , I promise
Louis prank calling zayn,👇👇
There now we are on the same page, I wanted to also mention , terrrrrrians , with 6 R'S not one.
If you haven't already known this is where louis and harry prank called 118 whoever that is, and they were just...louis said..harry was...the prank was ...ohh I will let you watch it by yourself
Haha made you laugh didnt it , if it didnt then good 1d haven't harmed your sense of humor, hehe.But let's not forget about Niam, niall looks straight up sexy on this and I know you dont wanna miss this, they are " sexy and they know it" , they look so cute , you have to watch this.
Now that we see Liam and niall vibing it would be a sin not to put louis and harry vibing too, they are singing "just the way you are" by bruno mars, ohh just kill me now, they are so cute, fast forward to 0:41, trust me , thank me later
VaS haPpinIn , awe I miss my Brad Ford bad boy, this will make you have a smile from teeth to teeth. This down here is zayn and liam being as handsome and cute as ever.
And I know this isnt a twitcam but I just thought it was the funniest thing, so basically zayn lost his earrings and to be honest he sound just like my mom, and then he gets mad at niall, just watch the video lmao
(Sorry couldn't find the video just audio but hey enjoy some of his pics)
You know this is the reason I do this is to make sure you guys know the real them and to make you say ahh those were the times. And I may have written the wrong info I am not perfect, and I am sorry if I make any of you upset but hey I am asking for reads , just this is a thank you gif from me to the boys, so any hate please keep it to yourself