its no joke that we "directioners" are the best fandom. we have put our boys to the top , and we will never bring them down. this are some of the most amazing things directioners have done for one direction
first is how we put them in the top, you know they have lost the XFACTOR, so how did they suddenly become the internets sensetion
Cowell takes little credit. But he can tell you the reason. After the group's third-place finish on X Factor, '200 or 300 "super-fans" made it their job to promote this band around the world... [and I] saw something I've never seen before in the music business, which is fans, not a record label, marketing and promoting a band worldwide.' Cowell goes on: 'From the second it finished, the fans made it their mission that One Direction were going to become the biggest band in the world.'
In the group's documentary This Is Us, produced and directed by Morgan Spurlock, fans say things like, 'so I started tweeting and I literally made it my life', 'I sent like 16,000 tweets' and 'I was tweeting from Japan'.
then it become millons and it keeps doubling to this day.
we know things about them , that other fandoms dont even know about their fav celebrity. blood types, ultra sounds, passport, family history, and where and when they were born.
we can trend the boys anywhere at anytime, we fill up stadiums in minutes, we break websites, we hack airports cameras, we cherished the ground the boys have walked on but why, why do we do all this?
i have heard people say that this fandom is toxic, that this fandom is obsessive , that this fandom is too insane . and thats not true, not all of us are like this and they dont understand. just because one black men is a criminal that does not hint that every black men is bad too. like how a part of our fandom maybe be out of line but not all of us. but hey bemnet do you think they had a reason to do this stuff?
yes, yes i do. one direction has never hated the fans, they have never pushed us away, they have never said they got tired of us, when frankly they do, but they dont say it out loud because they dont want to hurt us. what im saying is if you dont tell a kid wrong from right he will keep doing the wrong things. they have actually defend us when people try to say we are toxic.
the reason is "no matter what they did, good or bad, they are doing it because they love the boys" , i get it sending death threats, and being toxic to other fandom is unacceptable, but we cant blame them for loving the boys, but let me say this, if you hurt the boys in any ways , your not A FAN AT ALL. throwing things in stage, stalking them, sending threats to their family or friends, using them as a reason for your actions, stressing them, or disrespecting them is a sign your not a fan.
one direction had always been about us, the only reason there is 5 albums is because of us, they said they felt like giving us something new because we have done so much for them, and we do a lot for them because we fel like they have done a lot for us this is true love i will tell you that
they dont want us insulted , or humilted, this videos will prove me right
this are some shorts to laugh or cry too besties
wow im almost done with 33 chapters . JUST HOW FAST THE NIGHT CHANGES