Chapter 17: Disturbing?

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The glassy blue corridor changes to stark white as soon as we turn and enter the mine. My head swims, and the world tilts for a second. I welcome the numbness that's oozing down my body. I inhale and listen to the air passing through my nose.

Everything around me is glistening white, from the Grecian-style buildings to the snowy streets and the sparkling sky. I've been here before in my dream. Demons couldn't possibly live in a place that's so tranquil and serene.

Just like in my vision, a small town is carved into the salt. The buildings are several stories high with intricately carved friezes and pediments. Thick columns with engraved cornices are on every building. They even have statuary in the square.

The salt crunches under my feet, and my heart races. Does stepping on the salt count as disturbing it? I answer my own question when I step again with another crunch, but no Salt Demons appear. There's more crunching when the three of us proceed further in, which is followed by the tapping of Trelix throwing handfuls of salt over his shoulder.

I relax as we go deeper into the mine. We haven't seen any demons, and I'm hoping maybe they're not here. Maybe Gurador is right, and they're a myth.

The town is impossibly symmetrical and balanced, so it's odd that the statues are thrown haphazardly about. Some figures are in the street, while others lie on the steps of various buildings. Several are grouped together in disjointed frescoes, with members wearing completely different styles of clothing. They're also not interacting with each other in any cohesive manner.

I can't make sense of the odd mix of symmetrical buildings and abstract art until I get a good look at their terrified faces. Every statue is someone in the throes of agony and horror.

Run! my brain screams, but my feet refuse to listen. I have to do this. I have to get the key.

I'm strolling through a graveyard of bodies frozen in time at the moment of their terrible deaths. Travelers, hunters, curiosity-seekers, all encased in salt for eternity.

My ears are ringing. My head is swimming. It's like I'm underwater. I have to get the key.

My vision blurs. A heavy calm settles my body like a thick blanket, and nothing matters. A male choir chants in the distance. I like this music; it makes me forget something important. Why am I warm? Am I still moving? Maybe I'm floating. Did Albína give me another one of her special teas? Maybe I need to eat something?

I'm deep in the mine at the steps to one of the largest buildings. I've been here before. I climb the stairs that lead to the massive doorway. I slowly amble up to the entrance. I recognize those heavy doors, but don't go in. I turn and thread my way between the columns. I know where I'm going. I know what I'm looking for.

I walk with purpose to the second to the last column and face the glassless window. To the right of the opening is a small white plaque.

I mechanically put my fingers on the edge of it when something stops me. I jump back, stifling a scream.

It's Jonah. When did he get here? Did he follow me? Where am I?

Salt Mines, my mind answers. Jonah's with me, and Trelix is on the other side of the street, throwing salt over his shoulder into a red cloud. I look back at Jonah. He points to a plaque on the wall and cautions me to move slowly.

"What is it?" he whispers. "Are you sure you should touch it?"

I nod. "This is it," I whisper back.

His eyes slant with doubt. I can't blame him. I would doubt too, if I wasn't so sure. It's a plain white tile that looks like it belongs in a bathroom.

Jonah bends down to examine the marble tile that's about ten inches long and four inches high. Then he stands and gives me another questioning look.

I nod. I know for certain that I need this plain white plaque, even if I highly doubt it's the key to intergalactic peace.

I lift my trembling hands and then lower them to wipe my sweaty palms on my tunic. I raise them again and give one more glance to Jonah. He nods. I don't want to touch the salt, but I know I get to leave this awful place if I remove the tile.

I take a deep breath and carefully put my fingers on the edges of the plaque. I give it a gentle tug, and it easily comes off the wall without a sound.

I move incredibly slowly, taking care not to disturb any of the salt on the wall. I hold my breath as I cautiously pull the plaque toward me. The slightest dusting of salt scratches across my knuckles as it drifts to the floor in front of my feet.

My heart stops. I wait for the demons. When none come, I slowly turn around and walk toward the mine entrance.

Something hits me hard on the shoulder and knocks me off my feet. My skin tears as I skid face-first across the rough ground. My eyes burn from the salt. I'm blind. I struggle to get up, but I'm struck again. The wind is knocked out of me. Foaming bubbles form around my nostrils, burning the soft flesh inside when the foam mixes with the salt. A pathetic wheeze is all I can manage. My lungs are on fire.

My ears ring from Trelix's roaring war cry and the thump of something being struck. I force my burning eyes open and struggle to get back to my feet when I'm knocked down again.

I scramble blindly, recalling Jonah's words about always getting up. I'm trying to keep hold of the plaque, but when I'm struck down again it's jarred loose. I fall on top of it. Something hits my back again and slams the wind from me for a second time. It's like I'm drowning. I gasp for air, then it's forced from me. I gasp again. I make myself inhale the salty air in a choking wheeze that's so painful it's overpowering my instinct to breathe.

Just keep moving, I repeat to myself. The world is askew. I'm going to faint if I don't inhale. My brain screams for me to breathe, and I obey, taking in a substantial amount of salt-filled air.

My lungs burn. I grab the plaque and struggle to my feet. I stagger a few times, and something strikes me so hard on the back of the head I blackout. I come to as soon as the scratches on my face come in contact with the salty floor.

My eyes fly open. Dathid and Solara are charging toward me. Dathid yanks me to my feet and pulls me toward the entrance. Then he's gone. I'm on my hands and knees again.

Everything in my mind and body wants to quit. I've never experienced this type of pain, and my lack of sight makes it so much more intense. I've broken my wrist and ribs. I'm kneeling in a puddle of wet salt that I know is my blood. My eyes burn so severely, one has sealed shut and the other will barely open. Every time I get up something hammers me to the ground. Maybe if I stop they'll leave me alone.

I'm hit again, and this time when I fall, I stay put. If I get up they'll just strike me down. It's best if I lie quietly for a while and pray the demons will go away. The others are yelling at me to keep moving, but my body isn't listening.

One time when I was little, I was outside playing in the piles of plowed snow along the street. I was digging a fort through one of the tall snow mounds when it collapsed. I was completely buried and surrounded by white, but I was peacefully calm. I wanted to sleep in the serenity and the quiet. That's how I feel now, like heavy snow is pressing down on me, blocking out noise and sensation.

Salt is accumulating around my legs. If I don't move soon, I'll be another statue in the square. I muster every ounce of energy I have to get to my feet. My broken body screams in protest as I rise to my knees. I can't move my left leg. I panic and kick at the salt encasing my foot, but it won't give. I thrash around and scream, but my foot won't budge. This is it. This is how I die.

Something strikes my left side and then my right, whipping me around. I thrash as violently as I can, but my leg is stuck. When I realize I can't break free, all of my attention focuses on the plaque. I rise up on my bloody knees and rip my bleary eyes open with my fingers. I spot the entrance to the cave in the distance, and with everything I have, I throw the plaque.

It flies through the air. I'm struck in the ribs. I waver for a moment and take another blow to the head, collapsing on the slushy ground. Two more hits. I want to break free to make sure the plaque is safe, but when I'm smacked again everything goes black.

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