1: Resurfacing

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"Agent Rogers..." Director Fury started as I entered his office. There wasn't much to his office. It looked like every other workspace in the building, just bigger. A simple metallic desk, three chairs, and a few bookshelves occupied the room. Tv monitors lined the opposite wall from his desk displaying the news, time, and his agenda. He gestured to the chair across from him on the other side of the clean desk "Is this about the last mission? I thought it went well." I started as I sat down, straightening my uniform as I crossed my legs. He shook his head "No. Do you remember the project that you started to find the ship your brother crashed in?" I nodded slowly. Of course, how could I forget about it? "What about it?" Fury started again "We've made a recent discovery in it."

My breath stopped mid inhale while my eyes grow wide. "What discovery?" It's been 70 years. I shouldn't hold onto this little bit of hope. Even if we find the ship, all I would find is his skeleton remains and his shield. The ship was lost somewhere North. I would know. I studied those maps for years with Howard only finding the tesseract in all that time. I would hate to admit it but I gave up on finding that ship years ago. "You know what? It's better if you see it." He gets up before holding the door open for me as he walks me down several halls, elevators, and security checkpoints before taking me into a little room with a mirror along the far wall. An interrogation room? I recognize the one-way mirror from my years of being an agent. Who does he have?  Director Fury flipped a switch near the mirror before the mirror became transparent to see the other side.

On the other side, was a small room with a 40's look to it. I looked puzzled at the room. Instead of there being a bare room with a criminal shackled to a table, a wave of nostalgia flooded over me. The room was identical to my apartment I shared with Steve back in the '40s. The walls were light olive green with a metal bed frame in the center. A window off to the left had a small breeze flowing through it, causing the silk curtains to flow gently in the wind. An old-timey radio had a Dodgers game going as it sat on a pearl white makeup vanity. I smiled at the memories it brought back until I looked at the bed again. I must be hallucinating. "Steve?" My voice called aloud before walking closer to the mirror. I wanted it so bad. I wanted it to be real, but Steve was dead. Missing in action. We didn't even have a real funeral because there wasn't a body to bury.

Heat flooded my cheeks as I remember who brought me here. I turn on my heel "If this is some kind of test...I've proven myself for the last 70 years of my life. I've dedicated my life to this agency!" He shook his head before talking carefully "It's not a test. We found him in the Arctic Ocean along with the ship that he was in back in 45'. We're just telling you now because...he's alive." I looked back at Steve. I eagerly watched him, waiting for him to do something. His chest rose and fell. My breaths became shaky as a wide grin stretched across my face. Tears started welling in my eyes. I hate crying in front of people but given the situation, I could care less. His eyes started moving when I gasped, "Let me see him." Director Fury shook his head "I'm sorry, but..."

I turned slowly to him while keeping an even tone "So you bring me to this room to show me my thought to be a dead brother who is alive, withheld information, and now have the audacity to tell me no." Director Fury looks annoyed before his attention turns to Steve who sits up. Fury touches his Bluetooth earbud before rapidly speaking. A woman who is dressed like it's the 40s walks in. She's almost perfect.  "What's she wearing?" "What do you mean?" Director Fury asked, thrown off by my question. "I mean is she trying to go for the 40s? She's not dressed correctly then." The noise from the room could be heard in our room. "Where am I?" Steve asks. He glanced at the radio. Some gears start turning. The game sounds familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it. The lady talks before Steve looks her over. He notices it too on her. "Where am I really?" "Call security."

I say as Fury talks again on his Bluetooth "Already on it." Fury says as two security men in full tactical gear come into the room "Oh great punching bags for him." As I correctly guessed, he threw the security guards through the false wall revealing the true nature of where he was. Fury and I took off chasing him with Fury's team as Steve ran through Time Square. Billboards flash brightly as yellow taxis drove through the streets surrounded by thousands of people going about their day in the modern 21st century. We cornered him as his eyes stared at his surroundings.  Fury looked at me "Stay put. That's an order." "Like he..." I started before Fury turned on me glaring. I gave a single nod quietly. "At ease soldier!" Fury says as he gets out of the car. What am I going to say to Steve? How will Steve react to seeing me? Is it my brother who woke up or is it someone else?

I watch them before they look back to my car as Fury signalled to me with the wave of his hand. An agent opens the car door for me. What am I going to say? Steve looks at me with shock as I step out. My hands fidget at my side before I walk up to Steve. "H..hi Steve. Do you remember me?" His shock slightly wears off before he pulls me to a hug and whispers to me "How could I forget you?" All the emotions from the day. From the past 70 years, pours out of me. As he holds me. I finally have my brother back.

(I've completed the book but I'm trying to update it asap)

Thanks for reading!

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