Part 6: Just Walk It Off

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(There's music to listen to above as you read)

Running is amazing. I usually get left alone in my head and it's the only time in the day where someone doesn't need me on a mission that is until this night. The air whipped through my hair as I sucked in breaths. My supersoldier speed had me easily running with the cars on the street when a call from Nat came in on my phone, stopping my music. An involuntary groan left me. My runs start at the same times as always. Nat better have a good reason to interrupt my peace "Nat, I'm on my run..." "It's Fury." She replied coldly. My feet came to a skidding stop, causing my body to lurch forward "What? What happened?" From her tone, I could tell something was up "I'll send you the address, but Steve was with him when the attack happened." "What the hell happened?" I yell as my feet start sprinting faster to my townhouse.

Sweat starts forming down my back as I start making an effort to get back. "I can't say this over the line. Get here fast." She hangs up with that. My options of transportation are a motorcycle or my government SUV vehicle in my driveway. Complements to SHIELD. The motorcycle's keys were closer. Taking them, I sped off to the hospital. My thoughts were loud in my head as I swerve through traffic, cutting off several people. They curse and honk at me. Is Steve ok? Is Fury ok? Who was this bold to attack the director of SHIELD? If someone hurt Steve, they're going to wish they had died before I get to them. I screech to a halt next to Nat's corvette before I sprint down the different halls until I reach the viewing room of Fury's surgery. Steve, Agent Hill, and Nat all stood in front of the window. Steve leaned against the rails in front of the window. His face was down to the floor with his shoulders hunched over. They were all talking about ballistics until I entered.

My first thought was Steve. His head shot up before turning around to me "I'm ok." My arms flew open to him as did his. My hug would have lasted longer if it weren't for the loud beeping coming from the operation room. The familiar ringing from the monitors sounded as Fury's heart stopped. "Don't do this to me, Nick." Nat starts. The surgeons get the paddles to start his heart again. I stare through the window. Fury has different tubes going into him as a team of doctors run around him, yelling out directions. "Don't do this to me, Nick." The doctors shocked his chest. His body jolts but no human movements come from Fury. His arms lay limp next to him. "Don't do this to me." There's no heartbeat causing the machines to emanate a deafening beep that holds. "Don't do this to me." The doctors stop all efforts as one declares him dead at 1:03 am. That didn't just happen? My thoughts travel to earlier on the day. I talked to him this morning. We had a disagreement. He was fine. He even was joking. The doctors will do something more for him, right? They draped a blue sheet over him, settling that thought uncomfortably "No..." I say in disbelief.

Steve puts his arm around me as Nat tries to keep the tears back by staring at the ceiling, blinking rapidly. Nick means a lot more to her than me. But even then, this is too much for me. Pulling me from the room, Steve takes me to sit down outside. I like Nick. We hardly agreed on anything but I've known him for 25 years. He's my friend. Not another friend. Not another gone before me. My chest becomes tight as tears well in my eyes. A plastic cup of water is placed in my hands by Steve as he rubs my shoulder in an attempt to calm and comfort me. He didn't say anything, not even when the doctors came to tell me that I could visit Nick's body. I just sat there. While tears slowly run down my cheeks "Cap, they want you back at SHIELD." Rumlow talked loudly, storming in gear up to the pair of us.

Time to go back to work.

My legs stand me up with Steve but Rumlow stops me "We only need Steve." Steve turns to me, pulling me into a quick hug "Are you ok?" I nod, lying not only to him but myself "I'll be ok. This isn't my first time seeing death." I let go "Cap." Rumlow says, nearing us again. Steve turns on him with clenched hands. His annoyance could be read clearly on his face at Rumlow carelessness towards my mourning "Yeah. Ok. In a minute." Steve was holding back a few words towards Rumlow. He turns back to me "I'll see you in a little. They probably just want to question me about why Fury was with me. I'll send part of the strike team with you back to your house." I shake my head "I'll be fine." "Stop with the tough act. I'm still sending the team with you." A sigh leaves me as I give a quick hug goodbye.

I've always hated saying goodbye to Steve.

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Thank you for reading!😉

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