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3rd Person POV
Jin enters the office, a worried look plastered on.

Jimin glances at him and notices. "Hyung is something wrong?" He asks, cause many others to turn towards the saddened male.

"I think somethings wrong, with Rose."

"What do you mean?"

"She wasn't home this morning, and when I call her the phone immediately goes to voicemail." Jin says glancing between faces.

"Maybe she went out with one of her friends and her phone died?"

She has work today and she wasn't in the office, oddly enough nether was Helth

I'm sorry to break this to you but she's as grown women maybe she went of a get away trip.

She was at that party with Helth pst night, she said she'd call me when she was finished but I never got a call.

I've checked everywhere she could be, I have a feeling something's wrong...

The phone rings a science passes through the group of people.

"Hyung it's ok, we can put a report in for her, right Jungkook?" Jimin asks the younger.

Namjoon wqtched as they talked, this was his chance to finally help. But how exactly could he do that?

"Ahem, sorry to interrupt." One of Jungkook co-workers called out. "You have a call sir." Jungkook walked towards the man and takes the phone.

After he put the phone down he turns towards his crew. "We got radioed in for some support let's head out."

As the officers passed Jin stopped Jungkook. "What about Rose?" A worried look still covering his face.

"Let's give her a few hours and see if she turns up, if not we can assemble a search party." He he gives an apologetic smile towards the older and head out the door. An audible sigh comes out of Jin.

Namjoon opens the door seeing Jimin siting with another male.

"Oh Hyung!" Jimin stood up seeing the older. "Jimin.." He paused a moment seeing the slight stiff atmosphere.

"Is everything alright?" He asks. Jimin frowns looking towards Jin who had his phone stuck to his ear.

"Oh, we're actually a little concerned." He turns back to Namjoon. "Rose..is missing." Namjoons eyebrows scrunches. "..what." Jin glances up at him and turns back rolling his eyes. He lets out a frustrated sigh as the call once again goes to voicemail.

The sound of his phone hitting the table brings in the attention of the two males and the few officers around Jin. There was a moment of silence before Jimins' voice perked.

"Ah, hyung..this is Jin hyung he's Roses'- "

"Boyfriend." Jimin's head turned sharply towards Jin. "Eh?" Namjoons eyes widened as he watched the man in front of him stand up.

"..boyfriend?" Jin stands up, hands in pockets, staring at Namjoon.

"Hyung?" Jimin gives a confused look.

"I'm kidding hahaha.." Jin let's out a loud sarcastic laugh causing a weird look from the two men.

"I'm just a close friend,..a very close friend." His laugh dies down, his face contorting into a glare. He didn't have to say anything, Namjoon had a close idea of what he meant.

"Ah yes..I apologize.." Namjoon bows slightly feeling the tension start to grow.

"Uh..let's all have a seat." Jimin says after some always silence. As the three take a seat Jin picks up a pen dragging on a scrap paper."So, why is he here." Jin asks turning towards Jimin.

"Ah, I actually came to support Officer Jeon on the case.." Namjoon responds

"Oh? So suddenly, after so much fuss." The sound of writing can be here as Jin raises an eyebrow looking down.


"I-I realize I was being rash, and inconsiderate...that's why I came back, to fix my past actions. I hope you can understand." Namjoon finishes, bowing his head.


"Yah, yah, stop messing around! The news is covering the scene Jeon Sunbae went to!" The background noise died down as the sound of the tv rises.

..currently at the scene of the accident. Police have secured the area and are looking to to what exactly happened. From what we know so far a hit-and-run situation is the most evident.

The passengers in the accident is believed to be CEO Helth of Dean Corp. and another person who is yet to be identified. The closest clue to who the other person may be is a small hand bag that was left on the floor of the car, however there is no belongings left inside of the bag..."

An image of the small bag appears on the TV. With this sight, Jin stands up immediately. "Jin Hyung?" Jimin looks up towards the older.

"T-that's Rose's bag.."

"What?!" The two sitting males no jump to their feet.

"Let's go there," Namjoon starts. "..maybe we can help look around or find a clue to find her or-"

Jin starts walking away. "Hyung? Where are you going?" Jimin calls out.

"We're going there...like he said. We've wasted enough time let's go." Namjoon and Jimin glance at each other before hurrying to catch up with Jin.

Rose POV
A beeping noise rings through my ear. My eyes slowly open to see white, looking to the side an IV comes into my view. My eyebrows scrunch as I feel a headache coming on.

My eyes squints adjusting to the light. The slight vision of someone coming towards me..

"Oh you waking up, I'll bring the doctor."

I groan and lift my head, trying to sit up but wince immediately feeling multiple pains and sores on my body.

I look down to see multiple white wraps on my arms and legs, red coming to the surface. "..what happened?"

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Doctor Moon. Do you remember your name?" A man with a white comes in.

"I-..I can't." I touch my head feeling the pounding get harder.

"That's ok, take your time and see if you can remember. Our nurses will attend to you ok?" I nod quietly and lay back down.

The door closes after the doctor and the nurse that entered the room. My eyes slowly close.

"What now Doctor? She doesn't have any ID on her."

"What about the people who brought her in?"

"I'm..no-.. sur-actually.."

"We'll have to run-...again-..try to contact.."

Slowly I lose consciousness, the voices fading out.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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