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Jimin POV
I tapped on my desk waiting for my design to finish exporting so I could finally print it.

Everyone in the department seemed to be focusing, although it was normal for us, the finance department was under heavy pressure to find budgets, solutions, and whatever else they were doing.

I sigh as the last bit of the loading bar was close to full.

"Finally." I sigh clicking away to print.

"Oh Jimin, you're printing?" Jiwoo comes up behind me, glancing at my screen.

"Yea, I just finished this one."

"I think you'll have to use the printer in another department, our one is offline right now."


"Yea, everyone was cramming it this morning."

"Oh yea. Thank you." I smile at her as she gives me a small bow and goes back to her desk. I turn back to my screen and search for another printer that was open.

After finding one that had enough ink, I got up stretching my arms and walked out to the hallway. As I walk by I glance to the sides watching where I was going but never making direct eye contact with anyone, thankfully I only had to pass a few people.

I was a few steps away from the printer when my steps slowed to a stop. My eyebrows scrunched and I took a few steps back.

I stared at a red jacket hanging on the handle of the janitor rooms open door. "No way.."

I reach to it holding on to the arm of the jacket and turning it to see the same type button that Rose had given me.

I quickly let it go and grab the other arm, frantically trying to find a missing place for the button that was in my drawer fit into.

"No way..!" A smile comes to my face seeing a tread hanging out of the arm.

"Mr.Park?" I turn back to see the janitor.

"Oh, hello Mr.Hue."

"Is that your jacket?" He asks.

"No, actually I wanted to talk to the owner, do you know who it belongs to?"

"No, I found it here last night, someone dropped it in the hallway." He said putting down a duster into his cart.

"Ah, could you tell me when someone comes for it?"

"Sure, I'll contact you." Mr.Hue smiles.

"Thank you so much!"

I smile at my phone sending a message to Rose about the jacket. Finally after so much misfortune something good happened.

I put my phone in my pocket and watch as the printer finished printing the last page I sent.

Quickly gathering them I turn around, heading back to my department. I flipped through the pages making sure everything was there.

I glance up for a second to which I see a pair of black shoes. My eyes trail up to see an old man that I had come to dislike, who was now standing right in front of me.

"You should keep your eyes up when you're walking Mr.Park." Namjoon's uncle spoke lifting up one eyebrow. I bow to him, disregarding how much I hated it.

"Hello Mr.Kim." I hear him scoff and take a step to the right.

"Why is that child still here, Namjoon should've thrown him to the street. Or better ruined his career." I hear his 'whisper' to his security who was walking with him.

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