Ice Queen

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Okay I realize this is two days late and I'm sorry. And I'm sorry for any errors. But here you go. Enjoy~

Bella's pov

I huffed loudly, turning around another tree avoiding all of its 'low' branches. This light, I've figured out, has been taking me in circles. The little cub, who I have now decided to call Mira, has become restless. I've come to realize that she's too young to talk to through my mind so I have no idea what her problem is. I remember seeing this video in school once about how cubs will cry until they are fed. So maybe she's hungry? But I don't have..milk? I'm sure if I were human now I'd be blushing. Curse my dad for being naturally embarrassed easily. 'Maybe I should head back..ask the others what I should do' I mused. I set Mira down and began to run my tongue over her her short still growing fur trying to sooth her somewhat before I go back to the others. It worked a little, she stopped crying but she was still restless. I sighed 'I wish I could just feed her like her mother..' And as soon as that thought finished in my mind I felt this weird sensation on my tummy. Alarmed I laid on my side and inspected my stomach, afraid of the next new thing coming to me. Now, maybe I should have been shocked or freaked out..but I was filled with so much relief. I scooped her back in my mouth and gently laid her by my stomach where this nipple like thing that had magically grown out of me, and watched as she moved herself to me to drink the newly formed milk. I laid back down and tried to ignore the weird feeling it caused from being sucked on. I was just happy to be able to feed her, I could deal with being uncomfortable. As Mira was feeding I took the chance to see if the light was still there. And it was, just swirling about happily around the trees. Dancing around with leaving as if they were long lost friends. Like in the clearing it started to grow brighter as the minutes passed by, I was starting to wonder if there was a switch to this thing. I huffed and laid my rather large head down on the forest floor listening to my surroundings. I could tell there was a heard of elk a few miles away from me, and another stream or pond it seemed like. I felt my ear twitch at a softer sound, like a gust of wind but muted almost. It kinda sounded familiar, like how..Edward sounded when he stormed out my house. I growled lowly curling my body around Mira as she continued to feed lifting my upper body up surveying the area. Waiting for whatever was coming my way. What I didn't notice was the light that guided me was now gone. I didn't notice the sweet scent of the one I loved most was drifting over my little spot. All I could focus on was the evil thought of Edward returning. So when I heard three sets of feet stop about fifty feet away from me I let out a ground shaking warning growl to the vampires. I knew they were because I could hear their breathing but not their hearts. I would stand, but Mira-who is still suckling happily away- would be left unguarded. "Is that a TIGER!!" I heard a crystal like voice whisper yell. Is that..Rosalie? I sniffed the air disbelievingly. It smelled just like her..honey..and something floral. I whimpered. The thought of her brought a sharp pain to my heart. "Is it hurt? Is that why its curled up? I don't smell any blood" a voice said that I didn't recognize. It was feminine and had a wild edge to it. "I don't think so..should we check?" "I don't know Rose" the unfamiliar voice said. I whimpered again. It was Rosalie. I've missed her cold glares and rude retorts. Deep down I knew she cares for me just not enough to surface. "That's it. I'm going to check." Rose said flitting into my line of vision. She was clearly shocked at my size but still continued to walk towards me. I flicked my tail anxiously, not knowing what to do. It hurt so much to see her, but I was so unbelievably happy at the same time. She stopped shortly watching my reaction before walking over to my stomach. She gasped once she spotted Mira "you're a mother.."a look of understanding crossed her features 'Well kinda' I chuckled to myself. I nodded my head at her huffing once. She looked at me incredulously "you understand me" I nodded again. "Is that cub yours?" She's asked moving closer. I nodded again and uncurled myself so she could see Mira. Who was done sucking me dry of milk, was just rolling around my legs. I watched as she tripped over a root and landed on her back. I heard Rose giggle and turned to her curiously. "May I?" She smiled at me. I nodded again and watched as she hesitantly picked her up with the gentlest care. I was surprised Mira let Rose hold her. Usually animals avoid them at all costs. But her she was crawling up her shirt and shoulders. Rose let out another peal of giggles. It was strange for me to witness that, I was content though. "Are you a shifter?" Rose asked me. I nodded again. She looked down for a minute. A devastated look in her eyes. "Do you know Bella Swan?" She murmured. I huffed affirmatively. She bit her lip, eyes watering with tears that will never fall. I was in a daze. I never knew this side of her. I never knew she was affected this much. "Is..she dead?" She whispered more quiet then before. I stood up, which ended up me towering over her, and walked till I was in front of her. I pushed my nose to her head to make her look at me, and once she did I shook my head. Trying to reach out to her mind like I did with the mountain lion, searching. Then the connection snapped together and I told her the one word that I know she's been dying to hear. 'No'..

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