43: Anxiety

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Riley's POV:

"Maya, calm down." I whispered.

"I can't! I can't! I just can't! I can't handle this! It's too much!" She freaked out, pulling her hair as she began to cry.

"It's 2:30 in the morning. What's wrong?"

"I can't solve this fucking math problem! And I just can't go back to school. I don't want to deal with everyone's bullshit again."

"Maya, I'm sure you can. I'll help you. I swear."

"You sure? Aren't you tired?"

"Yes I'm sure. I'll be fine as long as you'll be fine."

"Ok." She took a deep breath, sliding the math book to me.

I tiredly stared at the question, planning out how I would solve it. It quickly came to me. "This one's a little tricky."

"A little? I've spent 2 hours trying to solve it!"

"Don't worry about it. I'm here to help, I promise. And not just with math problems."

After an hour of helping Maya solve a few math questions, we cleaned up everything and slipped under the covers. "Are you ok now?" I asked her.

"Still a little anxious, but I'll be fine." She smiled.

"Ok, goodnight. I love you."

"Goodnight baby. I love you too." She pecked my lips and turned to her side.
Maya's POV:

I felt the anxiety rush into us as we entered the school again after a long weekend. I told Riley about how I made up with Lucas so she would feel a little better. She seemed a little relieved.

"Do you think they could help us out with this?" She questioned excitedly.

"Maybe. He said he wants to help out with whatever we're going through."

She flashed the most widest grin and squealed. "Finally!"

"What are you so excited about? Do you honestly think he's just going to make this all go away?"

Her smile disappeared. "Oh. Right."

We walked to her locker, where Lucas and Farkle were waiting.

"Hey guys." They waved.

"Hey." I replied.

Riley kept quiet and grabbed her books.

"Riley you do know that we made up, right?" Lucas looked at her confusingly.

"I know."

"Oh, well ok." He shrugged it off. He came closer to me. "What'd you do to her?" He whispered.

Riley turned around. "This isn't her fault. Also you're not very good at whispering."

"My bad."

The bell rang as we all hurried off to homeroom.
Farkle's POV:

I walked down the street with Lucas. We were on our way to the Matthews (and Hart) apartment. Lucas kept babbling on and on about Riley and Maya.

"Did they seem to be acting a little strange or was it just me?" He kept asking.

"You just noticed?"


I stopped walking, folding my arms.

Lucas looked at me weirdly. "...ohhh, right. You've known since last year..."

"Yeah." I began to walk again.

"Well now we can ask them what's wrong!"

"Right..." I said. But I already knew what was wrong. And I couldn't believe she didn't get help when I told her.

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