Chapter 2: Running into Minho + bonus of hyunjin crazy Chan

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Hii so this is gonna take place a a week or two after the first chapter cause i don't have the mental stability to write a bunch of words about gaining something i can't even gain for myself, and by that i mean self confidence. So yeah this is gonna be dance racha oriented cause that's a friend i love to think about, the next big friendship is spoiler alert! The omega's. That's right the omegas, the bottom bestie trio, the bottoms, the 'prey', the cuties, the hotties, the babies, the beauties, the big three. Okay i've held you up long enough, go ahead.


Chapter 2: Meeting Minho

( Author's POV)

Hyunjin laughed as he and Felix ran around the city together, Hyunjin had never felt better! Hyunjin felt so confident, so strong, so amazing and it was all thanks to a mysterious man and his best friend. This day was a rare one as Hyunjin was showing off his antlers, normally he wouldn't have and just shifted into his human form but today was a good day.

He also wasn't wearing his usual huge sweater and washed out jeans, he was wearing a pastel blue shirt tucked into some jean shorts accompanied by a brown belt and his usual cross necklace. He had blue rose earrings on and his ✨lip✨ piercing on, he also had his eyebrow piercing in which in short surprised Felix. Like when did this man ever have piercings? (When he asked his mother that's when🙄🖐) Okay off topic, back to the fit. He was also wearing white socks with lightblue vans (That's right he's all blue today. Idc, he's gonna be soft boy aesthetic even though i love the e-boy/bad boy/gothic look) Pretty adorable right? Felix agrees.

While the two were running they didn't realize that they both had caught a certain tiger hybrid's eye. " Pretty boy and Kitty?" The tiger hybrid whispered to himself as he followed them with his eyes, noticing a disgustang old man with. . . Uh. . . A platypus tail . . .yeah, staring at them as well.

The tiger hybrid immediately got bad vibes but took slow steps, watching the old man's every move. When he noticed that he started to move faster he also picked up the pace, worried about the two hybrids safety.

When the Tiger hybrid entered an empty park he felt his stomach drop 'Where the fuck are all the children?' The Tiger questioned in his head before swiftly hiding behind one the trees to see the old mans next move.
Then he felt a chill go down his spine as he heard the familiar laughs of the two hybrids he saw before, ' Oh hell no!' The boy growled in his head, his orange and black hair falling into his face.

A scream echoed throughout the park as the old man grabbed Felix, Hyunjin's body froze 'What do i do? What do i do? WHAT DO I DO?' Hyunjin screamed in his head as he watched his friend squirm. Hyunjin's body moved on it's own and he kicked the old man in the face, tugging Felix back to him.

" Holy shit. . ." Hyunjin whispered to himself, as the old man tried to lunge at the two Hyunjin saw a flash of orange.

When the two hybrids (Tiger boy and Platypus bitch) had met the floor he saw a tiger on top of the old man, biting into his neck. Hyunjin and Felix watched as blood oozed from the old man in shock, and didn't move when the tiger shifted back to it's hybrid form, revealing an attractive boy, with blood around his mouth.

" You two okay?" The tiger hybrid asked, the two could only stare up at the boy in awe until Felix snapped out of it. " Oh- uh! Yeah. . . We're okay. . . You have some blood on your mouth. . ." Felix stuttered, fumbling his words a bit.

" Oh. . . Sorry about that. . ." The tiger apologized, taking his black sleeved shirt and wiping his mouth.

" Thank you." Hyunjin forced out, a little scared, but still very thankful. The orange and black haired boy nodded at him.

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