Chapter 10: Alexia

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Chapter 10: Hunter

I wake up with a smile on my face for the first time since I arrived. Daren glares at the alarm that's just gone off. He sits up and begins stretching to wake himself up.

He glances over at me and does a double-take at the smile. "What are you so happy about this early in the morning?" he asks, grimacing at the sunlight flowing through the cracks in the window.

I just shrug as I begin getting ready for the day. "I just think it's going to be a good day; that's all," I say, shooting my friend a smile.

He lets out a groan and collapses back on the bed. "Wake me up never," he replies. I roll my eyes, not letting the smile drop from my lips. He's clearly not a morning person seeing as he's usually the most bubbly kid ever, later in the day, of course.

"Dare, get up. We've got to get to school. Get ready," I say, tugging on a pale blue shirt.

"But I'm tired!" he whines. Nonetheless, he rolls off the bed and begins to get ready sluggishly.

Though by the time we're out the door, his usual bouncing walk and easy grin is back full swing.

"Where are you going to school today?" I ask.

"Mainland," he responds, "if anything interesting happens, you better tell me. Alexia and Auden rarely do, so I'm relying on you." He shoves a finger in my chest before giving a sharp nod, a salute, and running off to catch the boat.

I laugh and wave before heading to my first class. Alexia and Auden wave and shoot me a smile as I drop into the seat next to them.

The class begins, and I'm content with my decision to stay. But even as I sit listening to the teacher, there's still an ache in my heart that misses the opportunity I've lost with my sister.

It isn't until the end of third period when things get interesting. I'm walking with Alexia and Auden to the Major Legend courtyard when Mr. Cloak approaches us.

He waves for us to follow him to his office. I shoot a questioning glance at the others, but they aren't paying attention to me; instead, they are walking forward with determined looks on their faces.

Why? What's going on? Did we do something?

We enter his offices, and he sits down behind his desk. "Take a seat," he says, gesturing to the seats in front of the desk we sit down.

"What's going on?" Alexia demands, blowing a strand of white hair away from her face.

Mr. Cloak folds his arms and takes a minute to look us over before letting out a sigh and beginning. "We have a hostage situation — 30 people in a bank in LoPrine. The man has a gun and has threatened to shoot them if the police come near the building. I'd like you three to go deal with the situation, please."

The other two nod and stand up. I stay seated, slightly confused, but Auden grabs my arm and pulls me up out of the room.

"What's happening?" I ask as I stumble out of the room, glancing between the two Legends walking beside me.

Auden claps me on the shoulder and shoots me a dry smile. "Your first mission."

"Like he said, we have to go save some hostages, he'll send us a location in a few minutes," Alexia says while adjusting her ponytail so it's tight and out of her face.

They begin heading through the school away from the docks. "Where are we going? The boat is that way!" I point in the correct direction.

We've stopped in front of a blank wall. They share a look before Alexia turns to me with a smirk. "Ready for one of the academy's most well-kept secrets?"

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