Chapter 8: Hunter

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Chapter 8: Hunter

I'm still slightly confused as I watch Alexia leave. It's not that I don't want her apology; it's just that I don't really understand why she had a sudden change of heart.

I try to brush it off and just accept it. I shut the door after her and resume my thinking and pacing she had interrupted.

I'd had trouble focusing all day, and I know the others had noticed, but I couldn't be bothered to care.

What do I tell Lissa? She's my sister. I don't want to lose her. Especially after I just got her back.

But I also don't want to control the world; that isn't who I am. Maybe I could convince her to come here? My dream school?

Am I willing to lose her to stay here? Probably not, right? I barely know anyone here, and she's my blood, so I should pick her, right?

About ten minutes after Alexia leaves, Daren bursts through the door with a massive grin on his face.

"Hunter, come on, you've got to see this! The Minor Legends are doing their power-sparing championship! Auden and Alexia are setting up a blanket with some food so we can watch. It's so cool you're gonna love it." He's practically bouncing with excitement.

I laugh and feel the tension and stress leave my body. "Lead the way."

His grin widens, and he waves for me to follow him out the door, which I do. We walk through the hallways out of the academy. Almost the entire school is outside, sitting with friends across the lawn.

We spot Auden and Alexia resting on a blanket they wave us over, and we plop down next to them. Alexia offers a small smile before turning back to Auden and then continuing to talk.

"It'll start soon," Daren says, grabbing at the food the others had put out on the blanket. He turns to offer me some, but I shake my head, not really feeling hungry.

"How much has Daren told you about this?" Auden asks, leaving the conversation with Alexia to pull me into a new one.

"Not much. Just that it's the Minor Legends power sparring championship and that I'd love it." I shrug, looking at where some of the other teachers and a few students are setting up mats some ways away from us. Some other students are standing around the mats, stretching, or practicing their powers.

"You are going to love it. It's amazing. Basically, any Minor Legend that is interested gets a chance to show off their skills and compete for a trophy, the title of most talented Minor Legend, both that they keep until the next tournament, and a day break from school, people get really competitive over it. The people that don't participate make bets on it. It's a great break for everyone," Auden explains.

I look at the preparations with new excitement. "For sure, that's incredible!"

Auden points to one of the guys stretching. "That's Benjamin Teller; he's been the champion for the last five tournaments. He controls ice. He's going for the 6th time."

I nod. "He's going to lose it this time, I'm positive," Daren pops in, his mouth full of food.

"Really? Who do you think is going to win?" Alexia asks casually.

Daren points at a girl sitting and watching the action. "Her."

"Who is that?" Alexia says, watching the girl.

"Nora Leyson. She's in a couple of my classes. Not really sure what her power is, though," I add, "she came in at the same time I did."

Auden reaches for his wallet and pulls out 150 dollars. He hands it to Alexia. "Put it on her," he says, nodding to the girl.

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