Chapter Three

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Winter's pov:

Winter was lonely. Lynx, Kinkajou, and Qibli left a few hours ago. Winter already missed them, and wanted them to stay for longer. Sadly, Qibli and Kinkajou had to return for school, and Lynx decided to go too. Winter suspected she left, because it would be too awkward for only the two of them to hang out. Only one more letter to go, Winter thought.

He took the remaining scroll, and whisked it open.

Dear Winter

I visited my friend a while ago, and it was so awkward.

I felt like our relationship is falling apart. How do I repair our friendship, in the right way?


Sounds like someone else has the same problems as us, Winter thought. He needed help.

He knew what to do and who would help him.

The Jade Winglet.


The Jade Winglet was coming today. Well, his friends the Jade Winglet, not replacements. Winter heard impatient knocking at his hut door. Winter stayed in his moss nest. One more time.. Knock.

"ARgH!", Winter shouted.He stomped toward his door, out of bed.

"What!", he exclaimed, opening the door. "You have 20 letters her-," the sandwing messengar started, struggling to hold the scrolls. "Okay," Winter snapped, interrupting and he grabbed the scrolls. The sandwing backed away slowly, and then quickly turned. The sandwing ran away, before Winter could have the smugness of slamming the door. Whatever, Winter thought, fuming. He slammed the door, and it broke into a million pieces. Seriously? Then.....

The door pieces pushed itself from the middle of the stone path moving toward a stunned Winter. No way...

Winter stared at the stone floor. What...

He looked at the sky, for whatever it was. The sky was clear blue, with fluffy clouds drifting everywhere. Nothing. "ROAR!", Winter roared. Something invisible knocked him over.

A pink and yellow snout peered at him smugly. "Kinkajou!", Winter exclaimed, surprised.

"Never seen me coming, huh?", Kinkajou said, proudly, climbing off Winter.

"Where's the oth-", Winter was cut of by a swarm of dragons knocking him to the floor, in an hug.

"Moon!", he cried, recognizing Moon first. "Qibli!", he shouted spotted his friend. Who was tackling his back legs? He looked over and saw emerald scales. "Turtle!" "Ahem," someone said, haughtily. "Oh, hi Peril!", greeted Winter. Peril was the only dragon who wasn't near him, for known reasons. Peril used to be his enemy, but not any more for Hailstorm reasons(long story).

"Hi Winter. Sorry about that bush," Peril said. Winter got up, and his friends peeled off him. He saw a green bush on fire. "It's fine," said Winter, shooting frostbreath at it. "What did you need help with," Turtle asked, his eyes glinting gold. Moon took a step forward. "Your advice system?", Moon guessed. "Yes. I need help with a difficult letter," explained Winter. He went inside and out his hut, showing his friends the scroll. "Same problem with you and Lynx?", Turtle teased. "I didn't know you could tease!", Winter exclaimed, turning a deep shade of blue. "Wait, how do you know?", Winter said. Qibli shuffled closer to Moon, but surprisingly, Winter didn't feel jealousy. "Might even be Lynx," the sandwing whispered to Moon, but Winter heard him. Winter looked away, pretending not to have heard that, and having a stab of pleasure for an unknown reason. "So?", Winter asked, changing the subject and stomping his talons on the soft grass. All his friends shot each other an amused look, and Winter looked away.

"Sounds complicated. I'm not the right dragon to ask," Peril replied. Winter shot her a relived look. She stuck out her tongue at him, mockingly and Winter laughed. "Hmmm," Qibli mused. Winter was hoping the frustratingly clever sandwing would have an idea.

"Maybe tell how Ly- he or her feels?", suggested Kinkajou hopefully. Winter squinted at her, confused. Was she about to saw Lynx? "I think that's a bad idea," argued Turtle, whacking Kinkajou's wing with his. Kinkajou turned a pink and swatted Turtle's green snout playfully, with her balled talon. "It would be awkward," Moon pointed out, adding the mind of a mindreader to the argument. Kinkajou made a huffing sound.

"What could we do then?", Peril said sadly.

Kinkajou's pov:

There was a dead silence. Hmmm.... What could Kinkajou say? It was an awfully hard case. Hmph. Kinkajou thought her earlier idea was good. Maybe it just needs improvement, Kinkajou thought hopefully. An idea pinged in her mind. Maybe.... IT MIGHT WORK!!!!! "I have an idea," Kinkajou announced. "What is it?", Winter asked impatiently.

"Hold your scavengers Winter," Kinkajou said mockingly. "You're so excited to hear it."

"Okay, let's hear it," Moonwatcher said kindly, her silver scales sparkling. Kinkajou grinned at her BEST FRIEND EVER. "'s the plan," Kinkajou said. "Ly- sh- he or she should just hang out more with Win- him or her," Kinkajou stammered, almost giving it away. Qibli shot her a 'careful' look. Kinkajou rolled her green eyes at him. Winter, not noticing, nodded. "It should work."

"Oooh, can I please write it?", Kinkajou begged. Winter raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you just learn?"

"What Winter means is, sure," Turtle budged in. Winter shot him a glare and Turtle fidgeted awkwardly. Kinkajou shuffled closer to turtle and gently twinned her yellow and pink tail with his, as in a thank you gesture. Turtle smiled and Kinkajou flushed slightly.

Winter smirked and Peril looked at her, amused. Moon blinked at her. Luckily, Turtle didn't notice. Winter gruffly said, "Okay, I'll get the scroll.", and went in his hut. Kinkajou gazed around.

There were hybrids everywhere from seawing/skywing to sandwing/mudwing. The Sanctuary bustled with activity and laughter. Winter came back and handed Kinkajou the scroll and a pot of black ink. Kinkajou lay down and dipped one of her claws in the pot. She started writing.

Dear idk

Just hang out more with him/her more. It's as simple as that.

-Winter, with credits to Kinkajou

"Not bad," Winter said grudgingly.

"Awesome," commented Peril.

"Now what?"Qibli asked.

"I'll give it the sandwing." Winter decided.

"Okay, goodbye Winter," they all said in unison.

Kinkajou got up and handed him the letter.

"Wait," Winter shouted.

They all turned to look at him.

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