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Sunoo: *peacefully eating an ice cream bar*

Jake: Haven't you already eaten like, 4 of those?

Sunoo: *slowly turning his head and looking Jake dead in the eye*


Jungwon: *using first aid kit* I cannot believe Sunoo did all this

Jungwon: Look at these scratch marks. It looks like Jake was attacked by some haunted barbed wire

Sunghoon: I told you guys that Cancers are never to be trusted (That's a joke, I love Cancers)

Heeseung: First of all, you need to stop reading horoscopes. Second, this is why we don't talk about what Sunoo eats

Jake: Yeah, yeah, I-*hisses* That's the stingy stuff!

Jungwon: Well maybe I wouldn't have to use it if you would have kept your mouth shut

Jay: I still wanna know how you, a native kangaroo fighter, got your ass beat by Sunoo

Sunghoon: Because you guys won't listen to me!

Sunghoon: Look at his eyes! Pure evil!

Sunoo: *eating his ice cream bar*

Jungwon: *looking at Jake's arm and back at Sunoo* Did you bite him too?

Sunoo, shrugging: Maybe

Sunghoon: SEE?!

Jungwon: *shaking his head* You can't be-DID YOU BITE HIM TWICE?

Sunoo: MAYBE

Jay: Get me out of this hellhole

Jay: And WHERE is Niki?

Jake: That's why I walked into the living room and bumped into Sunoo. I was gonna ask him where Niki was and I ended up with scratches, bite marks, and a broken toe

Sunoo: He's either in Iceland or Daegu, I can't remember which one he said

Heeseung: Oh oka-ICELAND?!

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