Chapter 4: New members

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"Guys it's us! Why are you screaming Sam?" One of the guys asks us confuse and startle.

"I-I thought you were were-"

"Aaagh!" Riley groans in pain clutching his arm.

My eyes widen in realization, then they snap towards Kevin and Jamal and we speak at the same time.

"Why is Riley bleeding!-"

"How did you get inside?!" I yell then rush towards the main door in hope. It was closed but I hope without the remote. I carry my trembling hand to the knob and turn it and it is locked. Fuck! "How did you guys came inside!" I shout over at them as they walk over to me.

"The door was wide open when we got here why are you guys being so weird?" Kevin asks.

"There is a psycho here killing us! You guys shouldn't have come!" Their eyes widening in confusion and shock.

"Wait, what?"

"Someone is inside the house with us and they killed Manica and Blake!" My voice is hoarse and I am shaking in fear. "There must be another way out here!"  I cry out in a voice raw with terror.

"What do you guys mean someone is killing us?" He asks confusingly and in worry.

"Aaagh, guys I need a little help with my arm?" Riley grunts in pain and I rush over to him.

"Ah, what- I, uh, give me your shirt Liam!" He takes it off right away then gives it to me. I take it from him and tie it around Riley's arm as tight as I can. There is nothing else we could do. "We need to find another way out of here! What about the attic window is it locked too?" That was our only hope since all the doors were locked.

"I-I uh, I don't know let's check!" We turn towards the stairs and are about to walk when Riley yells.

"We need to protect our selves we need weapons!"

"You're right!" I say then turn my way towards the kitchen and they follow after me. I grab two butcher knives while the others grab anything that can be useful. I am about to walk out of the kitchen when we hear another loud bang.

"Guys tell me what's going on?"

"I-" bang! "It's no time lets go!" We run from the kitchen and start our way towards the grand entrance stairs. "Guys all of us can't go up there-"

"I thought you said no one should split up?"

"I know but someone has to stay here in case the killer comes here, and try defending yourselves while we try finding a way out of here okay?" I explain.

"Sure be careful," Jamal tells us. Jamal, Kevin, and Riley are staying downstairs while we go up to the attic hoping there is a way to get out of here.

We start our way up the stairs with our weapons in place. We reach the corridor and start our way down even further following Jeff, as he is leading us to the attic. We could hear little sounds coming from the walls as we walk furtively. I still don't understand how the person can kill from between the wall and how he can move to different places inside the house. If I am not mistaking the entire manor is redone with board walls and in between are partways in other parts of the house.

Jeff stops at different stairs and we start our way up them getting more and more terrified with each step I make. On our way up to the third floor it was dusty and filled with spiderwebs and who knows spiders. Jeff ties the light when we reach the third floor and it didn't turn on so everyone uses their flashlight.

"It's supposed to be somewhere here," he starts to rotate with his flashlight and we do the same for me without any light.

"I found it," Beth says with her flashlight glowing up at the ceiling where a cord hangs from. Jeff walks up to it and Sam stops him.

"What if something is up there?"

He turns to look at her, "Nothing is up there and if there is it wouldn't be as scary as the man trying to kill us," he turns and attempts to open it again.

"Wait!" I yell, my skin growing clammy. We need to be prepared for anything that is going to come from there which I know something will, there is this feeling in my gut telling me.

"What?" He turns to look at me provoke I guess but I didn't care I am not making any more of my friends die tonight. I stand in a place that if anything is to come from there I will be able to go after it. The others stand in the exact position as me and Jeff carries his hand towards the cord of the attic door and begins to pull it down.

As the door ruptures open abruptly we cover our heads and eyes as the vile monsters darts out squeaking.


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