Chapter 17: Only us

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"No! No!" I start to panic and sobbing with my hands over my mouth.

"Julia, stop. It might not be theirs, okay?" Liam says and I begin to calm myself as best as I can, but I can't control my shaking hands though. "We are going to follow it just to be sure," I slowly nod my head and we start following the trails of blood into the other hall, ending up in another living room.

The blood continued though, my heart was pounding out of my chest, agitated. The blood continues into the living room but is turned down to the dining room.

We follow it until we were inside the dining room and I didn't see a body.

"Aaaaagh!" My eyes flash to Skylar going where she's looking, and there a the end of the dining table forced to sit on the chair is Jamal, and his throat is slit, the blood that squirted and ran from his neck was dried because of how long he died.

I hop back into Liam's arms trying my best not to fall because my feet are out to fail me. I got weak and petrified unable to cry or scream. I did that too much lately.

My eyes travel around the dining room for any sign of Jeff's body but I stumble over something on the floor pushing Liam a little back. I look at the floor where a hand laid.

"Oh shit," I hurriedly step back then bend looking under the dining room table where all the bodies of our best friends stacked up, not Jeff's though. My eyes widen and my stomach gets sick.

I run from the dining room and back inside the living room where a huge vase stood at the side. I rush over to it then hold my head over the mouth, puking my guts out in disgust. Liam hurries over to me then holds my hair soothing it down.

I stand back up with tears rushing from my eyes. We lost over eight friends here! Fuck!

Skylar walks out of the dining room then stands at the entrance panting and looking lost and shocked.

"Just us now," I mutter, looking over at her not sure if she heard.

I proceed to go after her when the lights go out. "Shit!"

"Hell no," I say, reaching for Liam's hand, I continue feeling for it until I finally grasp it timidly.

"Don't worry I am here-"

"H-help-aaagh!" My eyes whip to where I know Skylar stands as she screams in agony that soon dies so quickly and a loud tug happens.

"Skylar?" I ask, not too loud because of how scared I am.

"Skylar?!" Liam asks a little louder coming next to me. We didn't hear anything from her and that has me worried and scared.

I begin to start my to her when the lights switch back on and my eyes widen in aghast, "Aaaaagh, Skylar!" She's laying on the ground with her throat slit, blood gushing from it and one of the psychos standing behind the body with a knife in his hand and blood dripping from it while he smiles notoriously at us.

We step back in terror at the same time the other psycho emerges with his shotgun drawn and ready to shoot.

"It's nice to see you again-" one of them starts. Liam and I start bolting back to where we came in, in horror and fear. We lost another one and maybe it's us next.

There is always a survivor in horror movies, but I don't think this is the case. The movie is going to end without any.

We run over towards the hallways we came in panicking in fear while the men chase after us laughing like maniacs. Why is this how am I going to die? I wanted a peaceful death but at least not at this age. I always thought I would have a future with Liam, but all that will disappear when we die.

Bam-click-bam! Shit! A bullet collides through the wall before us. We run through the opening of the wall going inside the hallway to the way to the safe room.

Liam is trying his best so he can reach there in time to open it up before they can reach us, but a dagger flew over and stab through his shoulder.

"Liam!" I scream but keep running, Liam doing the same, grunting in pain.

"Fuck!" He hisses, keeping his hand on the back of his shoulder where the dagger stand and blood sliding down his shoulder. He was shirtless and so was I so we won't have anything to stop the blood from gushing if he pulls the dagger out. "Julia, if anything happens I love you," tears start to spill from my eyes and my hand begins to shake in dread.

"Liam..." I breathe feeling my chest growing ragged making it hard to breathe. I want to reassure him that nothing's going to happen. At least I didn't want anything to. "W-we can make it out alive!" I assure him slowing down before the safe room. I carry my shaking hands to it trying to focus on the first number, but whenever I tried touching it, I always press the wrong one.

"Hurry babe!" I keep trying but it's just not working. My fingers keep miss placing. At that moment I hear the rain starts to fall heavily outside, the thunder rumbling.

Bam-click-bam! The bullets come crashing into the safe room's surface startling me.

I grab onto Liam's wrist and start running the way to the front door, but I knew we weren't going to go out there because we didn't have the remote.

Another bullet goes off landing through Liam's ankle, knocking him to the ground and ontop of me.

"Aaaaagh!" My eyes widen when I see that the killers are close by

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