You Know That?

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I wake up the next morning with Jimin slung over my waist, Taehyung cuddling my thigh, holding on like a koala, and Jungkook snuggled up around my feet. I really aught to get these boys their own rooms...

"Jimin." I say, trying to wake up the gray haired deadweight preventing me from getting ready for work. I poke his cheek. "Jiminie I need to get up now." He groans in reply but doesn't move. 

"Yujin?" A voice says lowly from the other side of the bed. I look over the edge and see Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi spread around the floor of my bedroom. I look around and see Jin sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes while Hoseok sleeps on, his arms wrapped tightly around Jin's waist. "You're awake?" 

Jin's morning voice makes me wake up quickly. His normal tenor is dropped at least an octave and has a slight rasp to it. It's beautifully sexy. 

"Y-yeah. I.... I have work." My brain is still trying to wake up as I try to express my need to get out of bed at 5 am for the first time since they've been here. 

"Mmm..." Jin hums in reply, gently removing Hobi from his waist and standing up to walk closer to the bed. He holds his arms out, ushering me to come into them. "Come a little bit closer. Jimin is pretty hard to wake up." I lean in his direction and he grabs me by my forearms and pulls me out of Tae's grip and out from underneath Jimin. He then carefully adjusts me in his arms so I'm being cradled like a baby. He swiftly takes me out of the room and sets me down after gently closing the door. "There, go on and wash up. I'll clean up downstairs and then make breakfast. They might be up by the time you're done." He then starts to waddle down the stairs, not completely awake yet either. I smile at him gently before taking a long, hot shower and washing my face and teeth. 

A gentle knock is heard on the door, throwing on a robe I open the door. Jin stands there, freshly cleaned and dressed cozily in a cream turtleneck with tight fitting black jeans. His hair is still a little wet but it's combed off from the side nicely. "I made you breakfast." He sets down a bowl of cut up fruit and a plate of steaming scrambled eggs along with a glass of ice water. 

"Thank you." I say looking at the food sadly. "I have to finish getting ready." 

"Sit down." He says, pulling my stool over in front of the mirror. I comply. He takes my hair dryer and starts to gently comb and dry my hair. I just know my face flushed a bright red. He's too perfect. I smile to myself and start to eat the breakfast Jin made. I can't help but wonder how on earth he's so good at cooking. It takes a while to dry my hair so I do a bit of my makeup while Jin continues to gently dry when my food is all gone. 

When my face and hair are all finished I stand to face Jin. "Thank you." I say giving him a gentle kiss to his beautiful, full lips. He grabs my waist and presses me to him. 

"I love you Yujin, you know that?" He says, pressing a longer, more passionate kiss to my lips. I can't help but be shocked. Jin is never this forward. I take a second but I kiss him back, defiantly messing up my lip tint but pressing my lips to his with the same passion and love.  I finally pull away after a few seconds, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. 

"I know Jinnie." I then leave him in the bathroom, giggling to myself as I make my way back to my bedroom to go find clothes to get me to my shoot. All the boys are still asleep so I tip toe around them and get changed in the closet, hiding around the corner so they couldn't see... hopefully. I throw on a comfy oversized navy blue sweater and a pair of tight ripped jeans and a pair of simple black boots. I emerge to see Namjoon and Hoseok are now starting to wake up, sitting up but keeping their eyes half-open. "Good morning." I whisper, hoping to keep the youngers asleep. Yoongi is gone. He must be downstairs with Jin. 

"Good morning." They both mumble out. I make my way around them and Namjoon gently grabs my ankle. I look down at him curiously. 

"I wanna kiss." He says, his hair still messy, a slight whine to his deeper morning voice. I place a sweet kiss on the top of his head which prompts Hoseok to do the same. I smile and kiss him too. 

"Okay, I have to go to work now." I say, taking note of the clock on the wall which projects that it is now 7:30. If it's an hour and a half drive to set... hair and makeup take 2 hours... finishing touches on my dresses should get me right around a noon start. "Bye boys. I love you." 

"Love... too." Hobi mumbles before curling into the side of Namjoon, using him as a makeshift pillow. 

"Bye." I say to the now trapped and fully awake Joonie. He waves a little. 

I really need to get them their own beds now...

Seeing them sleep on the floor makes my heart hurt. They deserve better than that. I'll order them today...


The concept shoot takes 3 hours. Very long, very boring. Now I'm being driven to the studio where I'm meeting up with a JYPE idol. I really wasn't given much information about this meeting. Nor was I told much about Stray Kids. I think I might have heard the name at an award show but I don't think I've ever met them. 

"Alright. Behave Yujin." My manager says, leading me to the door of my studio before I slip inside. The leader is already here. His tuft of red hair is the first thing that catches my attention. 

"Hello?" I say stupidly. 

"Hello!" His chair spins. My face drops. 

"Bang Chan?" 

"Bada?" We both say at the same time. His brow is furrowed and I'm pretty sure I have a similar look on my face. 

"You're famous?" He asks. 

"You're the leader of a K-pop group??" I ask in return. 

"Alright Chris, you have 2 hours. You need to be back at the dorm for the live." A manager says, poking his head in the door but not coming in.  

"Your name is Yujin?" We stare at each other for a few seconds before breaking down laughing. It's not uncommon for idols to take on fake identities for public use, I just didn't know that I was doing it to a fellow idol. 

"Yujin.... that name seems familiar to me for some reason..." He says. 

"I trained at JYPE for my first year like 7 years ago or something." I say. "Maybe we met before I got transferred?" (AN not me refusing to put Yujin under JYP

His face lights up like he's had an epiphany. "Lee Yujin?" 


"You stole my first kiss." 

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