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Quick A/N for the poor 25 people who read the chapter "Tunnel" I messed up and was writing it on my phone and my laptop and it deleted the 500 some odd words that I wrote last night... You might want to go back and read the updated version... or not, life's full of choices. Thank you!

"You stole my first kiss." He smiles at me with the biggest, dorkiest smile ever. 

"What are you talking about?" I laugh, genuinely  confused. 

"Yujin... I should have recognized you." He says, ignoring my question. "I mean... the lack of braces and glasses is a bit of a throw off." 

"No like... Chris what are you talking about?" 

"Yujinnie I'm mildly offended." Chris says with a dumb grin. "We met 7 years ago. You were my best friend before you abandoned me!" 

I think back to my memories of JYP which in all honesty I tried for years to forget everything that happened there. Then a random memory flashes in my mind of 13 year old me dragging Chan into an abandoned practice room and kissing him square on the lips. It was probably very uncomfortable for him... being 16... "Chrissy?" I ask with a slight tilt of my head. 

He laughs with a smile. "Ringing any bells dummy?" 

"Oh my goddddddd." I whine, burying my face in my arms on the desk, hoping for it to simply absorb me and rid me of all my memories. 

"I still haven't forgotten about that." Chan says, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Evidently." I whine, not lifting my head. "I still can't believe you told MoMo unnie on me." 

"It was more a confession of surprise." He says with an innocent look. I glare at him from within my arm cage. 

"I will never be able to talk to her again. The last time I spoke to her she brought it up!" I groan, lifting my head to more properly glare at him. 

"Oh come onnnn Yujin. It was 7 years go!" He says, trying (and failing) to get me to drop it. 

"You're mean." I say. Childish I know but I cant help it. Being around him reminds me of when I was still allowed to be a little kid. 

He gives me a light, airy laugh. "Let me make it up to you." 


"Kiss?" He says with a smug smile. 

"Cute but the only way to earn my forgiveness is food." A quick thought of the boys comes to mind but I push it back to the back of my mind. They're my mates and it's not like I'm cheating... He's just joking... 

"Alright, alright." He says, shaking his head. He pulls his phone out of his front pocket. "What do you want?" 

"A-are you sure you should be eating right now? Don't you have some kind of meeting in like an hour and a half?" 

"It's a live." He chuckles. "You should tune in. Channie's room is honestly kind of the best." 

"Well clearly you haven't watched any of my lives." I say, flicking my hair back. "My lives are the best." 

He opens his mouth to object but the door is swung open and my manager gives me a fixed look. "Yujin." He scolds. "You need to be working on your album. You can't be releasing concept photos if you have no concept to announce." He shakes his head. "Get working. Chris has to leave in an hour." 

"It's an hour and a half." I object. 

"An hour." He says firmly, glaring slightly before closing the door. I know my manager isn't actually mad at me. He's more so annoyed that he allowed Chan to come help and he's done nothing thus far but distract me. 

"I guess we should get to work then." Chan says, pushing a chair over to the piano and playing a simple scale. 


My manager was very quick to come in when an hour exactly had passed. A beat was laid and some lyrics had made it on a page but I really would have preferred to have spent the time talking to Chris. 

Chris's manager dragged him out and he drove off before my manager dismissed me for the day but told me to be working on the lyrics when I get home. He wants them done by the weekend and the entire song assembled and ready to be gone over with the producers on Tuesday. Which is 5 days away. 

No rest for the wicked. 

I stayed at the studio for another 2 hours. One of those hours was spent online looking for bedroom stuff for the boys but my manager doesn't need to know that. The more work he thinks I'm doing the better. The bed stuff is coming tomorrow so only one more day before the boys will actually sleep comfortably. 

It's nearing 6 when I get home. Jin is already cooking dinner and the maknaes are playing Mario again. Namjoon reads a book at the dining room table and Hoseok and Yoongi talk about something but immediately stop when I walk in the room. "What are you talking about?" I ask. 

"It's a secret jagi." Hoseok says. Yoongi nods and Joon hums, maybe agreeing or maybe just pretending to care about the conversation at hand. 

"You're both brats." I say, tossing my notebook which holds my current lyrics on the table, walking out of the room. 

"Yah! We're still older than you!" Yoongi calls after me. I'm just happy they've all forgiven or forgotten whatever was bothering them the other day. I walk back into the kitchen to see Taehyung and Jin standing in the kitchen. Jin is moving some ramen around a pot and Taehyung watches, fascinated. 

"Hellooooo." I say walking into the kitchen and sitting myself on the counter. 

"Yah! Get your butt off the counter!" Jin says, scolding me. 

"Awwww Jinnie oppa... cant I just stay here? I'm already sitting down." I go aegyo and hope that he relents. He does. He rolls his eyes and goes back to chopping veggies and cooking eggs. I giggle lightly at my victory. 

"I heard that." Taehyung whispers in my ear. He moves himself directly next to me, still standing, but our legs are pressed together at our close proximity. 

"Shh." I shush him. I don't want him to taint my victory. 

"For a price." He says with a smirk. I raise my eyebrow at his attempt at blackmail. "Take me on a car ride." I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head slightly at his demand. "I've never been in a car before and I just wanna know what it's like." 

"Okay." I say. 

"Really?" His ears perk up in excitement and his tail begins to swish back and forth. 

"Yeah, of course. Maybe we can go watch the sun set. I know a good spot." 

Tae smiles his adorable boxy smile before telling Jin to hurry up with cooking so we could leave. 

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