He breaks up with you when your pregnant

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He breaks up with you when your pregnant...

Niall: your sitting on your toilet, looking down at the pregnancy results on the test stick, it's a pink plus sign, which means your pregnant. You were happy, excited to be pregnant as you and Niall have been trying to start a family, and finally the day has come. You threw away the test result and went downstairs to find him. "Hey babe" you say smiling as you see Niall on the couch watching tv. "Um.. Hi y/n" he says, in a kind of awkward way. "Is everything okay?" You ask as you take a seat next to him. "Y/n, I need to tell you something" he says looking straight into your eyes. "I need to tell you something too ni" you say with a small grin. He looks confused as he thinks what you need to tell him, "do you want to say first?" Niall asks. "No no you go" you answer. "Ok.." He takes a deep breath. "Y/n.. I love you so much.. But we're going on tour soon and it's going to be really stressful with everything and I'll never see you.. So, I think it's best if we call this an end." He says looking down. Your mouth opens slightly as you take in what your boyfriend, the one you thought will always be with you, has just broken up with you. "But.." You whisper. "We can work it out" you say as you slightly begin to cry. "I don't know ok, it's just better this way." He is also slightly crying. You nod and stand up and begin to walk to your room to pack your stuff. "Y/n, what did you need to tell me?" Niall shakily asks. "Oh, im pregnant with your baby, but that's nothing important" you say sarcastically, whilst your balling your eyes out before you run upstairs. Niall is completely shocked and he begins crying too as he just broke up with his pregnant girlfriend. With that you pack up your stuff and start to leave.

Harry: you were pregnant! You just found out today and you couldn't be anymore excited. Harry's always wanted kids and so did you, you could now finally start a family with the love of your life. Your phone vibrates in your pocket, you get it or to see Harry's sent you a message. "Hey y/n, can I come over x?" Harry had asked you to move in with him a few days before, and you said yes but you were still packing so you stayed at your house until you were fully packed. You smile and reply "coarse babe, ill be home in 10, come over then :) xx" "ok" he reply. You rush home and clean up a bit before you hear a knock on your door. You couldn't wait to tell Harry about your exciting news. You opened the door, but you weren't greeted with the normal dimpled smile, the normal spark in his beautiful green eyes, instead they were red and puffy and his curls weren't curly. He looked terrible, he looked upset. "Harry!?" You say scared. "Y/n, we need to talk." He said stuttering. "Okay.." You say. He steps in your house without giving you a kiss or hug and he sits himself on the couch as you sit next to him. He huffs before saying heartbreaking words. "We need to break up y/n, in sorry." Your shocked, only yesterday you were having the time of your lives together and now, he's breaking up with you. "Harry. what? Why?" You ask slowly. "Management, they don't like us together and everything's just too hard" and with that he gives you one final kiss on the cheek and leaves. He leaves his pregnant-now ex-girlfriend sitting there who was meant to move in with him next week.

Louis: congratulations Miss Y/l/n, you are pregnant, come back in about 2 to 3 weeks for a check up. You smiled "wow, thank you" you said happily. Your were so happy, you've always wanted a child, and now finally your having one. You walked up yours and Louis's shared apartment. "Louis!" You sang. "I have some exciting news to tell ya" you said while taking off your shoes and coat. "Hey babe" Louis said appearing from the hallway. He ran up picking you up, your legs wrapped around his waist and spinning you around. You giggled before kissing him passionately. "I love you y/n, nothing will ever take that away from me." You smiled at his words, that's when you remembered you had news to tell him. I feel the same about you too, and to make things better I have excited news." You basically squealed. Louis laughs "and what is that" he says with a big grin and raised eyebrows. "I-am-pregnant!!" You say putting your arms up cutely as you cheer. Louis's smile drops and his eyebrows scrunch up before he puts you down. "What?" You ask him. "Why are you so excited?! We can't possible have a baby now! We're too young" Louis says which break your heart. "But lou, we can do this remember what you said like literally a minute ago, you said nothing will break us apart" you try to coo so he would understand. "No! Y/n! I want you to get a abortion." His words kill you now, "what! Louis there's no way I'm killing our child's life!" You yell slightly at him, now angry. "Me or the baby! Which one" Louis tells. "So you'll leave if I don't want to kill our baby?" You ask heartbroken. "That's exactly what I'm saying y/n, I don't want to be a dad, not yet! You won't kill the baby so good bye y/n" before you could react Louis grabs his coat and leaves. Which gives you the indication to pack your bags and leave as he clearly doesn't want you anymore.

Zayn: you come home from a stressful day at work and you also found out you were pregnant. You were happy about it but work was over powering you at the moment. You flopped on the couch just as zayn walked in, it seems like he's a bad day too. "Hey zayn" you say depressingly. "Y/n! Where's dinner!? Gosh! I have a stressful day at work and you just be so lazy you can't even make dinner! You so fucking lazy y/n!" Zayn basically yelled at you. Why? Why on this day did this have to happen? It was a terrible day. "Zayn.. I just got ho-" you try and say but get cut off. "No, I don't want to hear it. I'm leaving. I can't take you anymore" zayn slams the door behind you and that's when you know it's real, he's gone and you pack your bags. When he comes back your gone with dinner left out for him.

Liam: "Y/N!?" You hear Liam scream your name. "Yes Liam?" You asked confused and scared. "WHAT IS THIS?" Liam slams a magazine down infront of you which on the front cover shows a picture of you and your best guy friend. "What?" You ask. "Y/n look at the headline." Liam asks frustrated. Your eyes scan upwards to read horrible words; 'y/n y/l/n cheating on 1D member Liam Payne' is what it read. "Liam you don't believe this do you?" You ask. "WELL IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE YOUR 'JUST FRIENDS' Liam's shouts back. You couldn't take this, not now anyway, you only found out yesterday you were pregnant and you didn't know how to tell Liam. You thought he might leave you. "Liam I'm not cheating on you, I would never do that to you, I love you with all my heart!" You say trying to get him to calm down. "Save it y/n! We're over, I can't trust you after seeing this". "Liam!" You try to stop him but he interrupts. "No y/n, get out of my house!" You begin to cry, you can see some innocence in Liam's face as he's just made you cry. But he kept a strong face and walked upstairs to the bedroom you used to share. You pack your things and leave, slamming the door behind you. Liam just broke up with you and your baby.

A/n- there will be a part 2 for this if ya guys want :)

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