You get twitter hate/make you feel insecure

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Liam: your back home from going out for a walk in the park with Liam, it was great, refreshing and just nice to be normal, and spend time with Liam. Liam goes out to the shops to get something, he gives you a quick kiss and leaves. You decide to go on your laptop, see what's happening in Twitter. You go through your feed, seeing pictures from the boys and other people. You were happy before you saw tweets about yourself. "Omg. @RealLiamPayne can do so much better then @y/t/n". You sigh but shake it off as you know their just jealous of your perfect relationship. You were fine until you saw more. "y/n's fat" "y/n's ugly", your heart literally broke then looking down at yourself you feel heavier that what you are, and just feeling insecure you run upstairs at look at yourself in the mirror crying. "Y/n, I'm home, love" Liam calls. You don't respond which makes liam repeat your name. "Y/n?" He says walking into your room, his face turned into worry as he saw you crying in front of the mirror, "y/n! What's wrong!?", "why are you with me?, everyone says I'm not good enough to be with you!" Liam's face is shocked, "y/n?! I'm with you because your perfect, beautiful and just absolutely amazing! Your funny, sweet, caring. But the main reading I'm with you is because your you, and I'm deeply in love with you. I know there's a lot of hate, but, don't listen to them, they're a jealous of us. The real question is, why are you with me! Your too good for me!" He laughs which makes you laugh too. "I love you liam" you say, "I love you too", the rest of the day you cuddle with liam watching your favourite movies and ignoring the jealous people on Twitter.

Harry: your both cuddling on the couch, watching some movies, when harry goes and checks Twitter, you deleted your account because of all of the hate, but you didn't need it. Harrys shocked a bit when he read a tweet in his head. You looked up "what are they saying now?" You ask, he looks at you with sadness in his eyes, "um nothing, y/n, they're just all jealous of us, just, whatever people say to you, always remember your perfect and beautiful okay?" "Okay?" U giggle and harry kisses your forehead before going to the toilet. You quickly grab Harrys phone to see the tweets and of coarse they're about you, making you feel insecure. A tear falls down your cheeks and you quickly wipe it away and put Harrys phone back where it was. You try to act normal but harry knows your not. "Y/n? Are you okay?" "Yeah, it's just I'm sick of people making me feel insecure" another tear slides down your cheek. "Hey!, what did I say before? They're all jealous, they don't mean what they say, they're not fans of they say horrible stuff about the love of my life" harry says, not taking his green eyes of you one time.

Zayn: your walking through the streets, zayns on tour. A group girls notice you and come up too you friendly. "Hi! Are you y/n?" They ask kindly, "yes I am" you smile. And they smile back "can we have a picture please" "sure girls" you say. You pose for a few pictures with the girls, not knowing why they wanted pictures since you weren't famous but hey, you liked it. "Thanks, your really pretty" one girl says. "Aww, your really pret.." You were in the middle of a sentence before another girl says something to you which wasnt so nice, "what did you just say? Y/n is not pretty! She's gross! Zayn can do so much better! Like me, I'm better" the horrible girl says. You feel your heart shatter and making you feel insecure. The girl who called you pretty turned to the horrible girl and said "y/n is so pretty! She's perfect actually, your just pathetic, I think I'm one of the only fans who actually cares about the boys decisions and what makes them happy. I respect all the girlfriends and frankly, your not better than y/n, zayn or any one else would never be with you" you walked away with the kind girl, "thank you so much! What's your name?" You ask "Jessica, I'm not saying that stuff just cause I'm a fan, I actually truely believe it." "I know, thank you." You told zayn and he sent her tweets saying how thankful he was for sticking up for his you. With that you also made a very close friend.

Niall: you ready feel somewhat insecure about yourself since niall buys so much food for you both since he loves it so much. But one day it really hits you since all the Twitter hate. You feel horrible in yourself like your not good enough for niall. Niall tells you all the time your a princess and he thinks your perfect and beautiful, which makes you feel x100 better, but this day you just felt bad. Niall notices and even tweets about it. @NiallOfficial: hate coming home to see my girl upset about all of your hate! If your really a fan, act like one and be respectful! Your all just jealous of you do this. Leave y/n and the rest of the boys girls alone, as they get hate too...! And with that it all stopped and you couldn't thank your living boyfriend enough, neither could all the othe girlfriends.

Louis: you and Louis were both sick of the hate, ecspecially when it's on Twitter where everyone can see it and agree with it. You felt awful about yourself everytime you read one. It made Louis so angry to see you upset, he hates seeing you feel insecure and yourself. He went out one day to a huge crowd and told everyone how he felt and to stop. Everyone did and you felt like you had the most amazing boyfriend ever. He really cared about you, which made you feel so much better.

Don't feel insecure guys! Your all perfect! If anyone ever says something horrible to you, it's simply because they're jealous :)

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