We Are In This Together

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                   Kelly was always a relatively easy-going girl growing up, she was the happy go lucky type of person and could make anyone laugh with her bright smile and funny jokes. she loved spending time with her family and exploring things, she had an adventurous soul.

                   Kelly was always good at making new friends and holding her truest ones close. She did well in school and strove to do everything right, she wanted to be perfect.

                  Around the age 14 she started to question who she liked, was it one of her closest friends or that boy that makes her laugh in math class? She thought about it long and hard and tried to deny it for the longest time cause in her eyes it didn't make her perfect.

                  One day when she was at her friend Rebecca's house, she sat her down and told her she had feelings for her. Nothing could ever have prepared Kelly for the whirlwind of things that would happen next.

                   Rebecca did exactly the opposite of what Kelly expected, she freaked out and told her she couldn't like her, that they couldn't be friends and she needed time, little did she know she had broken Kelly.

                    Kelly went home silent that night, but no one questioned why, they thought she was tired or just didn't want to talk.

                     Summer break had just begun but Kelly didn't even want to get out of bed and when she did there was nothing to keep her busy and her mind occupied.

                      Slowly her time spent alone grew more and more as time went on. She was always sad and just generally not feeling herself. She had just lost the closest person to her over a simple crush that could just fade over time.

                      When she was out in public on those rare actions she felt as if everyone was either staring at her or whispering about her, almost like all these voices were saying things about her. in reality no one was even sparing her a glance.

                      It came to a point where she felt as if she was struggling to function like everyone else, she was constantly scared of the whispers and stares that were never even there. She just wanted to hide away in her dark room under the covers and cry over every bad thing in the world.

                   She never did seem to question why she was the one facing these problems she always just seemed to except them because she thought she deserved this.

                  Unbeknownst to her she had a people around her who cared for her and loved her deeply. She just had to realize it.

                  After her time of struggling on her own she finally confided in someone else and began her long road to recovery or at least a place where she would not be alone.

                  She would forever live with this but not on her own she got help and so can you.

                                                                           We are in this together!  

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