I d e a s & C o n t e m p l a t i on

22 3 7

A S   T H E   T I T L E   V E R Y   W E L L   M E N T I O N S~





I've been contemplating this idea in my head for a while~ Mostly for people who are rather active on Wattpad or simply wishes to be able to talk in groups on this app. Since u can't exactly group chat in this app's PMs I thought up of an idea on how to change that.

I could make up chapters dedicated to group-chat's in this book.

 #reminder:- my idea's still under thought process#  

I wanted to know ur opinions too and see if this actually works out. Now I have like this layout/template or whatever u wanna call it in my head. We'll have para's dedicated to each gc and the members will be mentioned there. Members can open as many as chats as they wish in the comment section of dedicated para, and the members mentioned will be the ONLY ones talking in the comment of dedicated paragraph. For example:-

🅐#Exp.1 pastel_chubs + yong_minji + admin.

🅑#Exp.2 Pikachukm+ Kim_jinx95+ admin

🅒#Exp.3 @anyuser+...........

Para's like this will contain the username's. It could be temporary or permanent, solely depending on the user/members' of each gc(well the majority of them). This is still more of an idea in process, there's many things to consider like privacy and things and how we're gonna oversee it. But lemme know what u guys think, if you guys think it can work out then, I'll think more further around the idea and set up rules and everything.

Pikachukm Kim_jinx95 

pastel_chubs yong_minji

-park_vinlee- obsessedwithbjmd

[ Mah gang- The Lobh Of My Loifes- Fam I miss y'all and us going crazy in our comments hhhh T^T^T^T^T y'all bishes dun even talk here anymore that much, except for a few, I MISS YA BISHES (ノಠдಠ)ノ︵┻━┻ ) ]




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