chapter 7

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Bakugou POV

I've been hanging with (y/n) a lot. She was always busy, I know.

But she always made plans for me. And her act is making me like her even more.

She always walk me to school before going to class, and we are doing that right now.

I just realized that I like her more than friends, but I'm scared to confess since she knew about my secret.

It's not that I'm scared of getting rejected, actually of course it's gonna hurt.

But it's gonna hurt less than stop being friends with her, I rather just keep the distance.

"Oi Katsuki, did you even hear what I asked you?"

"Ask again, I was thinking about something."

"Okay! So well, about your secret. Am I the only one who knows about it?"

"Nope. You're the second one."

"Aww, just as I thought I was your first! Such a shame, who's the lucky ass?"

"My ex-bestfriend. I only known him for a few months and we got close overtime, but the friendship didn't last even 6 months."

My chest start feeling tight while telling about him.

"Alright, I'll shut my mouth."

Seems like she already noticed that I don't wanna talk about it any longer.

"I'll give you his social media if you want."

"Sure, I'm kinda interested in what he look like."

Frick, I'm kinda jealous. On second thought I really didn't want to give it to her.

But I gave in cause she was begging me, she know that I can't win her, damn it.

"Ahh, this is quite annoying."

She said while stroking her own hair in frustration.

"What is?"

"Other people been looking at our way weirdly while whispering some shits that I can't hear."

"Really? Are you sure dumbass?"

"Yep, and it annoyed the hell out of me."

I was looking at my surroundings and they really are staring at our direction.

But they were looking at me the most. And for some reason, the way their face look is kind uncomfortable.

That was until both mine and (y/n) phone start blowing up with notifications.

(y/n) phone start to ring too, she pick it up as she mute the other notification on her phone.

"Hey Kiro, what's up?"

I hate how she make a nickname for shitty hair.

-Eiji RO KI rishima-

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