chapter 8

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Bakugou POV

It's been a few days since me and (y/n) last talk, she did text me but I was too scared to reply.

I'm so fucking pathetic. I already know that it wasn't her fault but I can't stop doubting her..

She probably hate me by now. I'm stressed now thinking about all of this.

I'm going to make up with her and that's it, we're going to be on a good terms again.

I really hope it'll work..

| Timeskip |
| A few days later during class |

The class was somewhat going well. But, (y/n) has been ignoring me.

She didn't even gave me a single glance. I guess I deserved it, I started ignoring her first.

She look so out of it, she doesn't even pay attention to class.

I feel so damn bad. The bell rings suddenly as it tells that it was already lunch.

Just as I was about to talk to her shitty hair suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Hey (n/n), wanna hang out after school?"

"Sure, I guess. Where?"

"How about we eat first at your favorite restaurant?"

"Cool, I'll meet you at the front gate then."

"Okay! Thank you (n/n)!"

Wtf, why does someone always try to ruined my fucking opportunity. I'm damn pissed.

But why did she even agreed to him. Fuck, why am I blaming her.

How did shitty hair knows (y/n) favorite place, why didn't I know that.

To be perfectly honest, I don't know much about her. She's always busy trying to comfort me.

Damn it, I feel worse now. I'm gonna have to steal her from shitty hair for today.

I have to talk to her.

(y/n) POV

I've been waiting for Kiro for about 15 minutes but he's still didn't came yet.

Is he playing a joke on me? But he's not the type to joke about thing like this.

I swear this shit is not funny, he could've text me if something came up.

Nevermind, I'll leave first, if he came late I can just text him back.

He must have a reason to why he didn't text me, must be an emergency.

I'm just gonna buy some snacks and go home I guess.

Just as I was about to walk away, someone suddenly grabbed my wrist.


"(y/n)! It's me."

"Katsuki? What are you doing?"

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