Chapter 9

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A few weeks later

I've been getting more comfortable around the Avengers. Nat and I are a bit distant after me telling her that she's my mother.

I'm laying in my bed staring at the ceiling. Sighing, I look over at my clock, 2:30 am. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. After five minutes I give up, the voices are too loud. I go into the kitchen. Opening the fridge I grab the milk and pour it into a glass. I sit on the bench stool. All my hallucinations are dancing around and singing. Can't they just shut up!!!. I bury my hands in my face. But as it gets louder and louder I cover my ears. I slip off the stool onto the ground and curl myself up into a ball. Eventually, the sounds die down and I fall asleep.

Nat's pov

My alarm goes off at 7:00 am. Today is Avery's first day of school. I get changed and go wake her up. When I walk into her room she's not there. I start to panic so I run into the living room where everyone is.

"Have you guys seen Avery!" I ask, panic clear in my voice.

Everyone shakes their heads and gets up to find her. After a few minutes, Bucky discovers her fast asleep on the floor under the kitchen counter. I gently shake her. Her eyes flicker open then shut at the bright light. She groans. Rubbing her eyes she gets up.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Must have fallen asleep" she mutters.

She goes towards her room to get changed.

Avery's pov

I grab the grey hoodie and pants that I got a few weeks ago then do my hair. Today is my first day of school. I finish getting ready then head back into the lounge.

Once I get into the lounge Tony passes me a backpack. I take it swinging, it over my shoulder. I grab an up and go and head out to the garage where Happy and Nat are waiting. We all get into the car and head to school. My leg bounces up and down. Luke sits next to me reassuring me.

"You're going to be fine," Nat smiles.

I don't say anything, just stare out the window. We arrive after 20 minutes. Nat walks in with me to the office.

"Hi, I'm Miss Williams, you must be Miss Romanoff and Avery," a short lady with curly hair says.

"Please call me Natasha" Nat smiles.

They talk for a bit then I'm passed my class number and I'm hugging Nat goodbye. I head to my new classroom with Miss Williams.

"We have a new student today. I hope you all make her feel welcome," my new teacher says.

I go to the front of the class where the teacher is.

"I'm Miss Honey, can you introduce yourself and maybe a hobby?" she says.

"I'm Avery Romanoff" I start but I hear whispering about my last name.

"If you have a question about me ask me, do not go around talking about it" I sneer.

Everyone goes silent. A boy puts his hand up.

"Yes, Tommy," Miss Honey says.

"Is your Mum the black widow?" he asks.

"Yes she is" I say proudly.

Everyone gasps.

"Any hobbies Avery?" The teacher asks.

"I like drawing and horse riding," I reply.

"Do you have your own horse?" Miss Honey asks.

"Yeah, I got her a few weeks ago. Her name is Eclipse" I smile.

She smiles back then ushers me to an empty desk. I put my bag down and Miss Honey goes on with the lesson.

"I'm expecting everyone has practised their timetables," she says.

Everyone nods and says yeah.

"Avery your new so if you don't know any that's ok"

She then starts with the time's tables.

"What is 5×5"

"25" everyone says, including me.

"Nice Avery and everyone else," Miss Honey says.

"Let's try a hard one what's 9×5"

The whole class goes silent.

"45" I announce.

The teacher stares at me.

"Correct what's 15×67"

"1,005," I say without hesitation.

"Correct, where did you learn this?" she asks.

"Books" I lie.

The real reason is for my super intelligence which Hydra told me I have.

After class, I make my way under a tree to eat my morning tea. A girl comes over to me. I can tell she's a bully, she has a resting bitch face.

"I don't like you," she says.

"That's a shame my middle finger seems to like you," I say while pulling the finger at her.

"You're not funny," she says.

"Oh, that's fine because you look funny enough for the both of us" I reply calmly.

Her face goes red. She then pretends to punch me. I flinch as a natural reaction from my past.

"Haha you're scared to fight" she laughs.

"I would slap you but shit splatters" I shoot back.

She goes to punch me but I grab her wrist. She punches me in the face, blood pours out of my nose. I punch her in the eye making her stagger back. I saunter over to her spitting out blood.

"You were saying bitch" I spit.

I go to kick her.

"Miss Romanoff! To the principal's office now" a teacher yells.

"Looks like you're saved but next time you won't be as lucky" I sneer.

I walk out of the courtyard like a badass.

Nats pov

I'm sitting in the lounge with the others when my phone starts ringing. It's from Avery's school.

"Hello is this Miss Romanoff?" A man's voice asks.

"Yes, speaking," I reply.

"Can you please come down to the school Avery has gotten into a fight"

I sit there shocked.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 20-30 minutes," I reply.

I hang up my phone. Everyone looks over at me.

"What's wrong?" Steve asks.

"Avery's got into a fight" I reply.

I walk into Avery's school Tony at my side. We go past the sickbay. A girl is there with a black eye and bloody nose. We quicken our pace to the principal's office. When we get there the principal is sitting at his desk arms crossed. Across from him is Avery sporting a bloody nose.

"Please sit," the principal says.

(Feel free to comment and leave suggestions also sorry for the long update for some reason Wattpad wasn't letting me publish)

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