The Meeting

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There is a truth behind every false relationship, especially mine. He doesn't love me, he doesn't even like that I exist. His name is Louis, Louis Tomlinson. He will never love me, because he loves men. The truth is that I love someone else, he loves me too, but he can't show it. His name is Harry Styles.

I fell in love with him at hello. A greeting can mean so many things, it could mean the difference between love and hate, friends and enemies. The word "hello" only verbally means one thing, a way to introduce yourself to someone, but the emotion behind it is shocking. The way our meeting went was perfect to the fullest effect, I remember the meeting like it was yesterday. I remember getting ready for a simple New Year's Eve party with my sister and best friends.

"Are you excited for the party?" My sister Nicole asked me. At twenty-one, Nicole was the mature older sister. She always made sure I stayed out of trouble as a child. I smiled at her, feeling ready to surprise her later on.

"Very, are you?" I asked putting on a couple dabs of pale pink lipstick. Nicole walked up to my side and made a grab for my eyeliner.

"Of course." There was a sense of emptiness in her angelic voice. It made me feel weak knowing that she was in pain, physically and mentally. Ever since her boyfriend died, she's been the ghost of herself. The day he died they had a big fight, I was eavesdropping from behind the door, waiting to see what would happen to their relationship. I felt tears come into my eyes remembering the sound of his hand making contact with my beautiful sister's face. More tears started to pour from my eyes, knowing I couldn't do anything for my sister's pain was the worst feeling in the world. In that second I remember the yelling ceased to just Nicole's sobs filling the room. The apologies spilled out of his mouth like a waterfall over flowing. All my sister could say was "leave", and he did. I came out of my hiding place and comforted my pained sister. I was sitting on the ground with her weeping on my shoulder muttering things like "it was so scary" and "he's terrible". I let her continue to cry, not wanting to say anything else that could upset her in any way. We stayed curled up on the floor for hours before the phone rang and we got the news. Nicole almost ran out of our spot on the floor to see what had happened and more tears poured out. That day her boyfriend died of suicide, leaving a note expressing how sorry he was and saying how much he loved Nicole. From that day on, there was a scar on Nicole's heart that never seemed to want to let anyone in. Every so often I hear her crying about him and how much she loves him and what would've happened.

"Nicole." She turned in my direction at the sound of her name. "I have a present for you when we get to the party." I saw her eyes fill with excitement as she tried to get answers out of me.

"Can I know now." She said with her big blue puppy dog eyes. I gave her a goofy smile, knowing that I would probably tell her what it was before we even left this room.

"No!" I exclaimed jokingly, "You are going to love this and if you find out early it will ruin the surprise for you." I got a nasty look from the beautiful girl as she flipped her dark brown hair over her shoulder. She then turned around and stared into my eyes with a look of mischief overcoming her.

"Could I have a hint?" She said giving me a cheeky smile. I shook my head at her, seeing a look of false sadness.

"You suck." she exclaimed, "You lead me on and then put me down." I smiled more as she went into a closet and grabbed her favorite pair of shoes and started to put them on.

"Oh yeah, should I get Perrie, Danielle and Ashleigh from the other room?" I asked Nicole as she slipped on her extra high heels. She shrugged hearing a loud smash from the room that the three girls were in. I could see my neat freak sister cringe at the sound of smashing glass.

"Yes!" She said, "Before they break anything else." I laughed as she gave me a dirty look. I got up from where I was sitting, quickly pulling my hair out of my braid and running into the next room to see an already half drunk Ashleigh and a hysterically laughing Perrie. Danielle gave me an annoyed look as I walked in.

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