chapter five

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so i waited in the office when i saw scarlett walk out of the prinpals office, i shot her a mischevous smile and she looked at me her eyes said leo really. "Leo Mattews the princpal can see you now" said doreen.

"thanks" i said as i walked into his office.

"so leo i heard from Mr.perks that you disrupted his class, care to explain anything about that situtation?"

"well i was bored so i thought hey why not embarss josh in front of his band class, so i stood outside the window and acted stupid." i said with a hint of arrogence in my voice

"oh leo what is this school gonna do with you", the princepal sighed you have detention today after school

"got it" i said walking out

"and mr. mattews try not to let this happen again"

"will do" i said

_________________time lapse_______________________________________________________________________

scarlett pov

i walked into the detention room and sat down i cant belive im in detention all becuase of victoria that slut. i mean its all her fault if it wasnt for her i wouldnt be here but no she had to be an idiot.

why hello my gingerly parther in crime said leo god leo seriously i have pink hair.i sighed

i know so you look all bummed out said leo

were in detinion i said bluntly

yes but i can fix that he said michevously

how its not like you have a time machine to go back to the begining of the day. i said

no but that would be cool i'd be the ultimate boss... leo started

off topic i said interuping

anyway im gonna break us out he said

how the teacher's coming any second i stated

uh i wouldnt count on that he said

what did you do i said

i just locked them in the teachers lounge simple stuff like that he said casully

LEO... you know im not even suprised anymore i said

so lets go now he said

ok and we ran out the door everyone problulty hates us.

line break___________________________________________________________________________________


oh my god leo i cant belive you.


we first of all everyones in there hates us

how do you know they could be bowing at our pictures he said with a smirk

shut up i said

he kept smiling

stop smiling leo i said comanding

whatever you say he said back

somtimes i worry about you mental stablity i said

oh really thats not a nice way to thank the person who got you out of detienton

thank you leo without you i would be dead on the school floor of complete and utter boredom i said with a hint of attuide

your welcome i think he said

i smiled

A/N: so yeah if anyones reading this freaking leave a comment im starting to think that all the work im doing for this story is wasted cause no one comments or votes or anything anyway theirs slight romance between scarlett and leo but its more of a secondary topic i dont want this story to be a gushy mushy of romance then it would suck. also leo is not and i repeat a BAD BOY i dont want him to be thought of one sorry to disapoint and im not sure the title goes with the story so if anyone has any ideas for another title leave a comment down below or write on ym message board i may take them into consideration.

yours imadinosaurous.

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