chapter two

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hey leo whats up said sacrlett. nothing much called ethan gay today. so nothings change has it said sacrlett. lots of things changed you have pink hair i said praticly about to kill myself . im an idiot  " uh yeah leo i think your dilustinal cuase i've had pink hair in 8th grade". oh right... i said "yeah um bye leo" she said walking off.


"hey im home" i said ovibously considering its the end of the day. i ran up to my room and crashed on my bed why does school have to be so well school fml. i thought before my phone rang, i looked at the screen josh... after thinking about wether i want to answer or not i taped talk "hey whats up" i said "nothing but the fact i got assians creed three today!" yup josh being a video gamer well im one too uh never mind.   "dang it i forgot it came out today". "you forgot you forgot dude you never forget things like this we've been talking about this for weeks"  making a big deal out of everything that being josh. " i've had alot on my mind sorry for forgeting something like that' i said sarcasticly. "yeah you've had alot on your mind like sacrlett". " oh shut up i dont think about sacrlett me and her are  friends". i said  "dude  i've know you for what eight years now since 2nd grade therefore i know better". "srew you" i said and we hung up.


"i think leo likes you" said my best friend lacey" oh please were just friends" i said "sacrlett its pretty ovidious he likes you" said jade "whatever you two are dilustional" i said  then i heard misery buiness by paramore i looked down at my phone great its ethan i taped talk and mouthed the word ethan to jade and lacey. ethan what do you want i said slightly irritateded  well sacrlett i would love for us to get back together he said  look ethan lets get this straight their was never an "us" their never will be ethier i said oh come on sacrlett just give me a chance he said  bye ethan i said the blocked his number from my phone.  what did ethan want said jade oh nothing i said clearly irriated bye him finding out my number.

A/N  yeah sorry if it sucked ive had writers block its also not edited so sorry for errors and i dont own misery buiness song by paramore or assians creed. bye for now.

inside the mind of an arrogent sarcastic freshmanWhere stories live. Discover now