Chapter 10 ~ Frozen Healing

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                Meh, I know I’m late, so shuddup and I’ll see you pitches at the bottom.

                OH! And, the car seating chart is this:

Liam          Louis                        Paul

 Niall           Harry                    useless  space

Zayn            Delilah                      Driver


                Harry’s POV:

                I sling my arm around Delilah protectively as I notice her playfully flirting with Niall. “Back off,” I wink at Niall. He laughs and takes the hint. “Sorry, Mr. Green Eyes,” he shoots back grinning. It takes me a few minutes to work out what he just said. “I’m not jealous,” I pout. Delilah laughs and melts into my torso. I lean my head on Louis’ shoulder and he stiffens, suddenly becoming interested in the window. I poke his cheek. “What’s wrong Boo?” I ask in a baby voice, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. He shrugs. “Nothing’s wrong.” I sigh – we’ll have to talk about this later.

                We reach Liam’s house and he clambers in, taking a seat next to Niall. “Hey guys,” he greets sunnily, beaming at us with that innocent smile of his. His eyes are sparkling, meaning he’s up to something. “Hey Li, what’s got you so chipper this fine morning?” I respond just as happily, not really feeling the happiness he’s portraying. “I just woke up this morning feeling really happy for no reason,” he shrugged, that smile never leaving his face. Niall beams at him and gives him a hug. “Damn Li, your happiness is contagious,” he laughs, leaning his head on his shoulder. Liam ruffled his hair and Zayn looked in his lap, fiddling with his fingers. “So, where’s the interview gonna be at?” I ask, breaking the silence. “I dunno,” Liam shrugs. “Paul, where’s the interview gonna be at?” “Totally Terry,” he responds, not looking up from his blackberry.

                After a while we get there, and Delilah watches as I get my hair and makeup done. “Gosh, that’s more than I wear,” she jokes, watching my reflection. I roll my eyes. “You’re too beautiful for makeup,” I respond. She blushes and smiles at the ground (A/N – see what I did there? (;). “So do we want to be a secret, or no?” I ask, changing the subject. “I want to be a secret,” she mumbles, so I can barely hear her. By this time I’m already out of my chair and getting a microphone fitted onto my shirt. “okay, any particular reason why?” She shrugs. “I just don’t want to get hate from your fans, and I don’t exactly want to be famous for being your boyfriend.” She looks up alarmed. “No offense, of course, I love being your boyfriend. I just want to be famous for me, you know?” I smile, although her comment hurt a little. “No, it’s no problem. They’re just most likely gonna ask if I’m single, so I wanted to know.”

                “We’re on in five, four…” I hear the manager person say. “I love you,” I whisper, pecking her cheek and jogging over to the boys.

                “We’re on live.”


                Okay, so I suck. I haven’t updated since last year! See what I did there? ;3

                Anyway, happy late New Year and merry late Christmas. I got some really good stuff, and stuffed myself silly, so it was a good Christmas altogether.

                I hope you like this chapter, I’m sorry for the mini cliffhanger (and for it's shortness). But hey, it took my entire willpower to write this chapter. XD

                This is dedicated to @KitplusKat, one of the best people I know. She kept bugging me to write this chapter, so go fan her as a thanks. ^^

                Thank you all for almost 3,000 reads on this fanfic, and 170 fans! It means so much, I love you all and I can’t believe this all just started out with a dream. Not like “Oh, I wish I could be an author!”, but a literal dream XD

                I loe you all! Please comment saying something, I love it when I get new comments!


                --Meep xoxox

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