Chapter 1: Being with you

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Hinoiri is ten years old here.

----Hinoiri's POV----
"Omg I'm so excited meeting Kakashi, Rin, Minato sensei and... Obito..." Hinoiri blushed because she liked Obito for a while now. Hinoiri left the house and said her goodbyes to my parents. Hinoiri ran to the training ground where they were supposed to meet. "Hinoiri! Over here!" Said Obito waving and giving Hinoiri a huge smile that she loves the most. Hinoiri saw Kakashi, Rin, Obito and Minato sensei and started training.

As they were training on trying to hit the kunai at the target, Hinoiri noticed that Obito sometimes stare at Rin which made her very sad that Obito likes Rin and not Hinoiri and Rin likes Kakashi and what made her sad the most is no one liked her but it can't be helped. After their training, Obito, Rin and Minato sensei are at the other bench and Hinoiri and kakashi are at another bench resting.

"I know you like Obito, Hinoiri." Kakashi says trying to annoy her. "N-no I don't!" Hinoiri said stuttering while her face turned red. "It's obvious, ya know? But hate to break it to you but Obito likes Rin." Kakashi let a small laugh. "Whatever you say, stupid Kakashi" Hinoiri said smirking trying to hide the fact that she got hurt.

----Time Skip----
It's been four months now and Kakashi is now their captain for their upcoming mission. Hinoiri was starting to walk outside of the house to go to the gate of the village to meet for the mission when Hinoiri suddenly bump to Obito.

He waved at her and said "Hey Hinoiri! Ready for the mission?" Giving his famous wide smile that she loved the most. "Of course!" Hinoiri said returning the smile to Obito. "This is going to be such a hassle especially stupid Kakashi being the captain!" He said with a laugh. "I know right? But with you as the future hokage, this mission will be a piece of cake!" Hinoiri winked and blushed. "T-thanks Hinoiri! That means a lot coming from you.." He says turning his head away from her to hide his blush.

They continued to walk and they've reach the gate of the village. Kakashi, Rin, Minato sensei, Hinoiri and Obito are there. "Everyone ready?" Says Minato sensei.
They all nodded and started walking outside. "Kakashi will be our captain since he got promoted and I want you three to cooperate, understand?" Says Minato sensei while were walking. Obito and Hinoiri groaned but still nodded while Rin said "Of course!" with high energy. Hinoiri noticed Obito got hurt inside knowing that Rin likes Kakashi. Hinoiri puts her hand into Obito's shoulder and whispered "Hey don't be so sad! I'm sure that when you become hokage, Rin will automatically like you back." Hinoiri said giving Obito a fake smile trying to hide that fact that Hinoiri gets hurt whenever he's hurting.

"Oh you knew I like Rin? Well I guess I can trust you on keeping this a secret. Thank you also for always supporting me to be the future hokage." Obito says giving her a small smile and she can't help but blush as red as a tomato.

"Are you okay? Your face is red! Do you have a fever?" He said putting his hand on her forehead. "N-no it's n-not that I ju-" Before she finished her sentence, Kakashi quickly said "Everyone stop! Someone is following us!". They quickly got their kunai and wait for the enemy to go out. There was ten people with different weapons. "They are the enemies from our mission! We need to stop them!" Kakashi shouted.

They fought about fifteen minutes and they knocked them all out when suddenly one of the enemy hid their chakra so that they won't noticed and quickly tackled Hinoiri leaving her unconscious. The last thing she heard is hearing Obito called her name before she passed out.

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