Chapter 5: Have I met her already?

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----The next day----

Hinoiri wakes up to a knock on the door. She put on her akatsuki cloak and a ring. She opened the door to find Deidara.

Hinoiri: Oh hi Deidara! Goodmorning!

Deidara: Uhh goodmorning! How was you're sleep last night?

Hinoiri: Oh it's pretty good! What's brings you here?

Deidara: Well... I picked up some clothes from Konan's room... And maybe you could borrow it for a while. Here. (Gives clothes)

Hinoiri: Oh thank you Deidara!

Deidara: Sure. Oh um when you're ready, you can go cook for you, me and Tobi.. is that okay? I don't really know how to cook heh.. (Nervous laugh)

Hinoiri: Oh sure no worries! I love cooking anyway. Any suggestions?

Deidara: Hmm.. I guess pancakes? I'll just be waiting over here and when you're ready, I'll show you to where the kitchen is, mkay?

Hinoiri nodded and went to take a shower. When she's done, Hinoiri leaves her room and walked together with Deidara.

----At the kitchen----
While Hinoiri is cooking, Hinoiri started a conversation.

Hinoiri: Umm Deidara? I haven't seen Tobi yet. I really want to see him. Do you know where he is?

Deidara: Oh yeah. He's at his room watching TV. You should go bring the food to him though. I'll just be here eating.

Hinoiri: Do you know where his room is?

Deidara: Yup! Just across your room.

Hinoiri: Okay! Here! Here's your pancakes!
(Deidara tooks a bite)

Deidara: Wow! This is really good! I've never had amazing food like this in years!

Hinoiri: Really? Umm thanks Deidara... (Blushes and Deidara smiled)

Deidara: Well don't let Tobi wait! (Chuckles)

Hinoiri went to the door to Tobi's room and was a little nervous thinking if Tobi is a scary man. Hinoiri knocks at the door. "Come in!!" Tobi said in a childish voice. Hinoiri relaxed that Tobi might be nice because of the voice. The voice was very cheerful.

Hinoiri opened the door and saw a man that looked like his age and an orange mask covering his face. He was wearing the akatsuki cloak and a ring to. He was watching kids TV and laying on his bed and his head laying on his hands.

He then looks at Hinoiri and says "Oooo... Pretty... Are you a new member?" In a childish voice.

Hinoiri nodded and put the pancakes on a small table to put the table on the bed above his lap and Hinoiri help him sit up straight by grabbing his arms up. She was surprised how muscular his arms was.

Tobi: Wow! The pancakes smell good! Who are you?!

Hinoiri: I'm Hinoiri! I was assigned to take care of you!

'She sounds familiar... Who is she? Have I met her before?' Tobi though and took a bit of the pancakes.

Tobi: Hi Hinoiri-chan!! Wow Hinoiri! These are so good! Tobi will get better in no time!

As Tobi eats he started to feel something. Tobi feels his stomach growling.

Tobi: Umm Hinoiri-chan!!? Tobi really needs to use the bathroom heh... I can't really move that much... Will you help me? The bathroom's over there. (Points to another door)

Hinoiri: Oh sure Tobi! Here, hop on my back!

Tobi: Okie Dokie!

Tobi wraps his hands on Hinoiri's neck and put his legs around Hinoiri's waist and Hinoiri started walking.

Tobi: Wow Hinoiri, you sure are strong! Tobi is getting quite heavier from eating dangos heh...

Hinoiri: Oh you like dangos? Maybe I'll make some next time!

'Even her voice sounds familiar... Who are you?' Tobi tought and arrived at the bathroom.

Hinoiri: Okay! You do your business there and I'll wait outside! Just tell me when you're done.

Tobi: Just leave it to Tobi, Okie Dokie? (Closes the door)

To what it seemed to be 10 minutes, Tobi yelled Hinoiri's name. "You done?" Hinoiri said as she opened the door to see Tobi sitting on the toilet with the lid closed.

Hinoiri: Damn Tobi! It sure does smell in here hahaha! (Crouches and carries Tobi back to his bed)

----Time Skip----

Tobi: Tobi's done eating Hinoiri-chan!

Hinoiri: Okay! Well what do you want to do next?

Tobi: Tobi doesn't know what to do! How about you?

Hinoiri: Hmm... Why don't we ask Deidara hm? Come on hop on my back!

They headed out of the room and to the kitchen to see Deidara doing the dishes. Soon Deidara looked at Hinoiri carrying Tobi. He got a little jeasous tho.

Hinoiri: Hi Deidara! I can wash the dishes for you if you want! (Smiles)

Deidara: Nah it's fine! It's seem you and Tobi are getting along quite well, hm? (Smiles back)

Tobi: Yes! Hinoiri is very kind to Tobi!

Hinoiri: Actually we came to see you hehe... We ran out of ideas on what to do and maybe you could help us.

Deidara: Hmm... Well I know a place where we can go... There's a waterfall nearby, we can go swimming if you want. Don't worry there's a shop where you can buy swimsuits too!

Hinoiri: Sounds good! How about you Tobi?

Tobi: Woohoo! Tobi likes swimming!!

Deidara: Come outside! We'll use my clay bird to get there!

Hinoiri, Tobi and Deidara hopped on the bird and begin flying.

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