The Kell of the Tangle

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 -Begin Record-
Orion and Ena landed on Nessus in an unfamiliar location to the Titan.
"Not sure where we are little one, Liana doesn't have any data on the area. Care to share?"
"A quiet place in the Tangle, too thick for the Vex to fight the vegetation through, but the Eliksni and I were nimble enough to swing and slide through the roots." She stated as she climbed over a thick root protruding from the ground. "Or so the journal seems to scribble." The Titan follows and immediately trips, falling on his face.
"Ow..." He says with a muffled voice. Ena reached out a hand to help the bulky Exo up over the tree roots, into the thick trunk. A broken knot of a door was cracked in half, an opening Ena shuffled through and looked up. The inside was a network of worked out pathways with flattened branches Fallen were traversing, nooks for protective homes; the deeper nooks for resources and supply stores.
"What do you see in there little one?" The titan's large frame was too much to fit through the opening that Ena squeezed through.
"...Home.." She said softly before slipping back out to the Titan.
"Oh? Now the question is, will they recognize you?" His comment was based on the journal Ena presented to him back at headquarters.
"Not likely. The Eliksni I knew have all been killed, my guess. If they're still knowing of me, they're tucked tightly away at the top."
"So how do you suggest we proceed?" Ena shook her head a few times in response.
"I'm not sure. I don't want a fight, but my Eliksni is broken and each house has a dialect that I may not know. What do you think?"
"I have an idea, they may not like it.... Don't worry though, I have no intention of fighting them. But first we need to find an entrance big enough for me to get through..."
"Hmm..." She flipped through the journal, finding a page of a branch up higher which had a hole for bigger weaponry defenses. ".. We've got a climb ahead of us."
"Lovely.... Shall we?"

Orion and Ena began their climb, the small framed Warlock moving quickly through the branches with ease, while the Titan struggled not to break the branches under his weight. Ena did her best to support the Titan's climb where she could, pulling him up to rest on the thickest branches during the excursion. Eventually they reached a bored out tunnel for a tactical weapon to sit; it was empty and open. Orion sat abruptly once they reached the opening, exhaling rapidly to express his relief
"Are you alright?" She tilted her head slightly to the side.
"At least we made it here without any hostile activity. Though I know for a fact that they are watching us." Orion glances to his left, nodding to a small surveillance device positioned to face the entrance. 
"I half expected you to say you were scared of heights, but yeah, they're definitely watching for some reason."
"The question now is, why haven't they responded in some way?"
"Not sure." The small Warlock stepped over to the device, knocking on it like you would a door. "Hello? We need to speak to your elders, please. We mean no harm." Orion holsted his Xenophage as a show of neutrality.
An intercom crackles on: "You.... Come.... Why?"
"Odd, only fallen I've ever known to speak our language willingly was Variks."
"We're looking for parts, and maybe my past. Can you help us?" The unknown Fallen spoke again. 
"You... friend... yes? Coming... home?"
"I'm.. not sure anymore, but I'd like to find out. I'm a guardian now with no memory of my time here on Nessus. Do you know me?"
"Elder... knows... you…” The broken fallen voice spoke, "You... Mother?"
"It seems like someone here knows you, Little One,”Orion stated softly.
"You... enter... big one... stays... do not... trust him..." The Unknown Fallen spoke again. The Titan tensed up immediately at the unknown Fallen’s words.
"I don't like this idea... at all..."
"I'll be fine, Orion... I just have a feeling about this. It feels like.. it's right? I don't know.." She said as she stepped forward to the entrance.
"Alright, but the first sign of any hostility. I'm coming in." He stepped aside hesitantly to let her pass, still very uncomfortable with letting her enter an unknown Fallen stronghold.
"Alright alright, you won't even know I'm gone though." She smiled back at the Titan as she disappeared into the tree fortress. She took it slow, looking around at all the eyes staring at her.
A large, extremely scarred, Fallen Captain came crashing down to the branch Ena was standing on as the gates closed behind her.
She couldn't help but jump in surprise, taking a fighting stance as she looked over the Eliksni in front of her.
"No danger from me... You... are safe... mother..." The scarred Captain said slowly.
"You keep calling me mother, why?" She dropped the stance, standing straight again. "And how can you speak English?"
The Captain spoke again, "you taught us... many cycles ago." The large Eliksni extended one of his remaining three arms gently out for her hand.
"I? Taught you?" She gave him a confused look, shaking her head some before looking around the room. "Why do you call me Mother?”
    "You protected many young...saved Kell. You died... fighting Vex... let us escape... We made our home... here... after...." The scarred one stated.
"That's why I'm a guardian... Because I protected you. But why did you not kill me when you first found me? I was no different than the rest of the crew out there." Ena asked.
"Ask Kell... I was a young one... when you saved me... from the Vex.." The scarred Captain coughed after the response.
"Kell? Where are they then?" Ena was just too curious. How young is young? How long did she live with them? What did she do to be accepted? Did she cuddle up with fluffy captains and dregs at night?
"Come... we must go to Kell now..." he stated, his arm still extended to her. She gingerly took his hand, she noted it was scarred as well. What had this big Fallen been through?
The Captain walked slowly, hand in hand with the Warlock, through the open spaces in their fortress; thousands of eyes curiously watched as they proceeded to their destination. Ena looked around in absolute awe at the beauty of their home. Scavenged parts laying everywhere, but they were organized in unique and beautiful ways; Creating art from nothing seemed to be their hobby. Decorated Servitors could be seen by the dozen everywhere. Eliksni young running about and playing without a care, the large machines playing right along with them. This was unprecedented to see from a Fallen culture. There were no banners to be seen showing a house symbol, but rather a small tribute to their 'savior' on tapestries hung at almost every corridor.
Many mothers walked about carrying their infants, with juveniles in tow. One of the small followers even ran over to Ena and hugged her leg before scurrying back to his mother, chirping and clicking happily having seen the Warlock and expressed his affection. The old Captain chuckled at the little one's behavior. Odin popped into view and was as speechless as Ena was at the hidden Fallen society. Ena removed her helmet to reveal her stunning red hair. The sound of cheering sounded from behind her, as she turned around she noticed dozens of Fallen following the two as they walked.
Finally, they reached a large door in one of the deepest parts of the enormous tree. The scarred Eliksni released Ena's hand and pushed the great door open. Once opened she noticed an enormous Captain, sitting in the back of the room. He stood and slowly walked over to greet her, the ground rumbling low with each step. He was easily twice the size of Thrash and Orion, his previous Ether starved state must have affected him in a peculiar way for such a drastic change in health. The old Captain stopped in front of her. He leaned down and began to take in her scent, then immediately picked her up and hugged her. Almost the same way Orion hugs her.

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