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-Begin Record-
Ena lifted her head from the dirt of the foreign planet, her vision was blurred, but slowly came into focus. She coughed and looked around, moving a hand to the cut on her head, pulling it back to see blood; her helmet was shattered.
"Dammit... Ugh... Captain?" She slowly sat up, very slowly; everything hurt but she was breathing fine? She looked up at the dappled light streaming through the red trees, taking a cautious moment to admire it. A howl sounded across the valley as she began to notice things moving in the shadows around her.
"Scavengers." She muttered, getting up quickly, but holding her head as her vision spun. A shadow covered her, an Eliksni Captain towered over her, but didn't strike her down. She squinted as she looked up into the four eyes of the four armed enemy. Why did he hesitate?
The Captain standing over her lowered his stance, activating his camouflage directly over top of the human woman. He was so close to her that his cloaking concealed her as well. Fallen scavenger's began running around the area, frantically searching for something. Perhaps they were looking for her? Her ship had in fact crash landed. The Exodus Black could be seen all around, mostly debris and large portions of the ship were everywhere.
The Captain crouched there for what seemed like hours, the dizziness Ena had felt earlier became too much to endure as she passed out. When she awoke, she was in a small hollowed out rock face. She sat up and looked around, confused.
"How did I get here?" She asked the thin air as she slid to the edge of the makeshift cot. Now awake, this small human found herself surrounded by Fallen, all curious to see this two armed creature that lay in their presence.
"Hello? Where am I? Why did you protect me?" The Captain who shielded her earlier stepped into view.
"You... Safe... You... Help us?..." Confused, she cocked her head and brushed her hair from her face, feeling the now sealed and covered wound on her forehead. One of them had bandaged her while she was out cold. It was done very haphazardly, but it stopped the bleeding. There was also a strange odor coming from the bandages, and she realized then that the dizziness was gone. Whatever medicine they used relieved even the pain of the concussion she certainly had.
"Why do you need my help?" She asked the Fallen who seemed to be in charge.
"Help... Save... Mate... Pleasssse..."
Ena stood up and followed the Captain through a shrouded camp to another small cave. Inside lay another Fallen, very sick and very weak, her body was almost lifeless.
"What happened to her?" She asked with a concerned tone in her voice.
"Wound... from battle... becomes... rotten... killing her... Please... Save her." The Eliksni's voice becomes strained and desperate as he speaks. Ena walked over to the Fallen female and saw the wound in her lower abdominal area; It had become gangrenous. The wound was made by a weapon she was familiar with. It was Vex technology, and she had supplies that could help...for a human that suffered one of these attacks. She didn't know if she could save her, but she was going to try.
"I have tools and supplies that might help, but I need to get back to my ship to find them. Take me there, help me find them and I might be able to help her."
A small company of Fallen led Ena back to her ship. Lucky for her and them, when the ship crash landed she was near the med bay. She started to become distracted with concern for her own missing crew, but she pushed it aside to focus on trying to save the Eliksni first. The others would have to wait.
"Over here!" She shouted. The crew of Fallen assume battle stances, her sudden yell having startled them. They were always on edge when away from their home. Ena began to rummage through some cabinets that were near the now destroyed med-bay. She found antibiotics, bandages, painkillers and even some alien plant based pharmaceuticals that the Fallen use.
The company almost relaxed when a wire rifle shot rang out and killed one of the dregs in their party; They all scrambled for cover and began returning fire. Ena was huddled behind a piece of bulkhead as shots began to melt the metal around her. Faricks, the Captain that saved her before, came out of nowhere and scooped her up. He grabbed the bag she was carrying and ran. The company of Fallen started to retreat with them, but four of them were slain in the skirmish. Ena began to cry as she watched each one fall in their escape.
Hours after their return Ena emerged from the hovel where Faricks' mate lay, exhaling heavily.
"I've sealed the wound and cut off the dead flesh. Unfortunately we won't know if she will be okay for another day..." Faricks nodded and entered the room to be with his mate. Several dregs brought her food and supplies they had found from the wreckage; Faricks had instructed them to find her food and water while they retrieved the medical supplies.

Three days passed as Ena moved about the camp, learning everything she could about the Eliksni and their culture. Faricks finally emerged from the cave and approached her. She stood there, fearful that his mate didn't survive. Faricks stood before her, then dropped to one knee and bowed to her.
"She...Lives...Thank...You..." A wave of relief washed over her as she audibly sighed; She saved someone, now she could focus on her crew.
"I'm so happy, but can I ask for a favor now? I need to find my crew, can you help?" Faricks stood up and shook his head in disapproval. Ena became confused, her brow knitting together in a need to know why.
"Others... look... find them... none alive... bad house... and Vex... kill them all... I'm sorry..."
Ena dropped to her knees, everyone she ever knew, just gone. Now crash landed on a derelict moon, far from civilization and any means to get home. Niz'zera, Faricks’ mate, emerged from the cave, holding her abdomen and slowly stumbling over to Ena, embracing the now sobbing human.
"I'm sorry... but we... wish... for you... to stay... Mother..."
-End Record-

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