Part II

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Beep, beep, beep!

Jisoo’s arm emerged from the covers, slapping her alarm clock off before her head peeked from beneath the comforter. She rolled along the mattress, blinking past the sleep in her eyes. There was a hollow feeling in her chest, one that weighed her down in the covers and each of her steps as she finally got up.

She moved through her morning routine as usual: pot of coffee, quick shower, bowl of oatmeal, clothes. She hardly saw the inside of her apartment, mind on things like empty rooms and first assignments terminated quickly.

It left a bitter taste in her mouth that she rid of with a gulp of coffee. She’d learn to become immune to it. She’d learn to do better.

Lifting her badge off her night table, Jisoo stared at it:

Jisoo Kim Dreamologist
Special Care Sector
All Access Granted

Slipping it on, she grabbed her bag and went to Dream Bank.

She didn’t think she’d be seeing the inside of her home very much anymore.


It should've taken her by no surprise Chaeyoung wasn't in her room, and with Sooyoung not in yet, it was her duty to find her.

Pushing out heavy gray doors, her instincts told her to check Hyeri’s room first. All Jisoo found were a couple of custodians sterilizing the place and a thick wave of nervous anxiety.

Rounding to the other side of the unit, Jisoo passed then back to the Recreation Room. There she was. Sitting near the piano. Chaeyoung.

She swayed slightly as her hands moved expertly over the keys. The other Dreamkeepers in the room seemingly paid no attention to her, used to her playing by now.

Walking closer, Jisoo could hear Chaeyoung humming along as she played. Jisoo stood by listening. The melody had a slight familiarity. It resonated in her chest something painful and old. She felt a swell in her chest and swallowed it down.

“That was for Hyeri.” Chaeyoung turned to look at Jisoo after the last chord dissolved into the air. Her eyes had less of a gloss and more of a sharpness around the edges but no less piercing. “Do you play?”


“I didn’t either.” Chaeyoung slid over, patting the empty space on the bench. “I’ll teach you?”

Jisoo teetered on the balls of her feet. The time on her watch told her Chaeyoung should be in her room asleep. That if she didn’t get at least three hours in between every four daily extractions, she would miss a schedule. Or worse.

"You shouldn't be in here."

“Are you a fast learner? You look like a fast learner.” Chaeyoung ignored her, turning back to the keys, tinkering aimlessly.

Jisoo sighed. "Chaeyoung-”

"Sit." Chaeyoung patted the spot again. "I'll teach you."

Reluctantly, Jisoo sank down onto the bench. She stared at the keys, chipped on their edges and browned with age. “I was never good at music.”

“Everyone’s good at music.” Chaeyoung scrunched up her face. The way she said it made it sound like Jisoo had said the most ridiculous thing in the world. “Watch. I’ll only show you once.”

The pedal creaked as it was pressed down under Chaeyoung’s foot and curved fingers sank into the ivories. She played it effortlessly, eyes moving behind closed lids as if she were seeing the sheet music on them. Lashes fluttering open, her gaze found Jisoo’s locking on as she banged out the climax of the song. Her lips peeled back, pastel pink framing a milky white smile.

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