Part VI

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The lobby was noisy when Jisoo stepped from the elevator onto her floor. Men and women in sleek business suits flanked by a cluster of unfamiliar doctors in white lab coats crowded around the front desk with curious eyes and whispers.

Ducking past them, Jisoo headed for the doors to the SCS when she caught Seulgi wheeling a stretcher on Her way out.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

She glanced over to the crowd before lowering Her voice. “The Ambassador of Dream Studies is here with a few of His core Dreamologist.”

At the chime of the elevator, Sandara stepped out with the Ambassador at her side. She stood in Her business suit and slick, blonde combover. All attention shifted to him in kind greeting while a translator stood by relaying what was being said to those who didn’t understand. Jisoo remembered going to His talks back in her training. He had inspired her then but He disgusted her now.

Jisoo’s eye caught someone in the crowd. She gave him a stiff nod and turned back to the Ambassador before anyone could see the exchange. She had never seen him before, but the way He acknowledged her made her feel She knew exactly who he was. She wondered if he was the one Lisa talked about sending in undercover. Her heart raced.

"How long will they be here?"

"They're having a luncheon at noon,” Seulgi informed. “They'll probably want to see Chaeyoung. That’s why they’re here."

Jisoo’s jaw flexed. “Can you write me a report that will exempt any visitors except staff doctors?” Seulgi frowned. “I don’t think so.”

“There she is.” Sandara gestured to her from across the room.

Jisoo felt a shiver run down her spine. When she looked up, everyone was staring in her direction. Seulgi bowed herself out of the limelight and slipped away into the elevator.

Sandara’s plastered on grin faltered a moment to shoot a glare straight through Jisoo. She wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of straightening her back and faking smiles for her.

“Doctor Kim, come over here a moment.”

She obediently walked across the room, hand clutching the thick file folder at her side as she approached. “Ambassador Adams, this is Jisoo Kim,” Sandara introduced her in accented English. Jisoo extended her hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Doctor.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” he responded, kindly. His hand was clammy as it squeezed hers. Jisoo fought against wiping off her palm on her labcoat.

Sandara eyed her. “Doctor Kim, why don’t you join us on our tour of the facility?”

“I would, but I have a patient waiting for me.” She found the one doctor’s eyes in the crowd. She watched him closely. Jisoo narrowed her eyes and he nodded again. Confirmed.

“Why don’t you bring Patient Park to the courtyard later in this afternoon? The Ambassador would love to meet her.”

“We’ll see,” she said through a tense smile. Sandara’s cheek twitched as Jisoo turned back to the Ambassador. “Again, it was lovely to meet you.”

“We’ll meet again.” Blinking His green eyes away, the Ambassador drew His attention to something Sandara pointed out.

Turning her back, Jisoo headed for the SCS. Chaeyoung lifted from her bed, drawing Jisoo into a hug once she opened the door. She allowed herself to relax into the embrace for a moment before pulling back.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, Soo.” Before Jisoo could stop her, lips were on hers and Jisoo couldn’t help herself.

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