Chapter 3

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As the door closes to his office he slams his fist against the wall cursing under his breath as he tries to regain his control and his composure.

"Fuck!! how does she do that..!" He whispers trying to figure out how the hell she can make him want to whoop her ass and shower her in kisses all at the same damn time when he doesn't even know her.

I need to know her... learn her.... Claim her... she needs to be mine. He becomes lost in thought as another kmock on his office door jolts him back out of his thoughts.

"What." he speaks out his voice obviously annoyed.

"May I come in Jonathan?" He hears a sweet silky voice come from the other side of the door as his fellow chemistry colleague slowly opens the door to my office.

"Lisa.? What is it?" He asks wondering why she would come by instead of waiting for their break period.

"I was just um.... I was wondering... if you'd like to get lunch together today? Seeing as it's both of our first days?" She asks obviously taken aback by his sudden rudeness in welcoming her. Jonathan knew He affected women but he didn't honestly realize it was this effortless. He smirk before answering as he turns from the window gliding across the floor to close his office door behind her.

"You want lunch with me? Out of all the eligible teachers on campus. You come to me. Why?" He takes a couple steps towards her watching her fidget and take a couple steps back herself as he purposefully draws himself closer.

"Well..... well.... I just.... Figured.... Seeing as we are both new here.... We could.... Stick together? For a while... if... you would be interested?" She stutters not meeting his hunger filled gaze as He easily tower above her. She's quite small, cute and very easy to make blush. She would be quite beautiful on her knees in front of me.

"I suppose so. For a while. At least until you get used to the school. I, however, am fine by myself." Jonathan Richards smirks and turns walking back to his desk before speaking to Lisa again. "Is that all you needed?"

"Yes it is." She answers quickly hearing the final tone in his voice signaling the end of the conversation before dismissing herself she puts a small piece of paper on his desk obviously containing her number. She walks gracefully to the door for their next classes to arrive. "Bye Jonathan." She speaks his name softly as if she thoroughly enjoyed saying it.

"Later Lisa." He waves as he slowly stands from his desk to go teach his next lesson. Watching her walk away he bites his lip wanting to snatch her innocent self back into the room with him. God Jon you need to get laid before you loose it...

The next two classes go by in a blur. He simply cannot get that girl out of his head... what was her name... J.... Josline. That's it. Third period. Front row. Impossibly irresistible. Definitely going to get him in trouble. I think I will see if she will have lunch with me tomorrow off campus, Lisa can handle herself for one day. I need to know more about her. I just hope.... She doesn't bring to much out of me....


The few months of Junior year went by in such a blur for Josline. So much so that she nearly forgot her chemistry book sitting on her desk in her dorm room today as she was already almost late for class. That would have been a disaster for sure. As she strolls across campus and into Chemistry class she almost instantly feeling Dr Richards eyes find her. She dares to steal a glance in his direction regretting it instantly as the smoldering almost preditory look in his eyes causes her cheeks to flush a bright red. She takes her seat utterly regretting choosing to sit in the front row cursing at herself for it.

"Is something wrong?" Dr. Richards speaks out startling her as she hadnt realized he has risen from his desk.

"N....No sir... Just.. Dropped my pen." Josline replies her voice obviously cracking revealing her nerves at him being in such close proximity to her.

"I don't see a pen." He whispers walking past her down the isle of students a soft chuckle leaving his lips having caught her in her little white lie.

"Of course not.." Josline whispers causing Dr. Richards to stop in his tracks and quickly turn to glance back at her having heard her smart remark.

"What was that?" As he spoke she could hear the change in his tone, now being laced with temptation and slight annoyance at her being a smart ass towards him.

"N.... Nothing." Josline retorted softly pulling a pen from her bag carefully preparing for her lesson.

"I see.." Dr. Richards replies no hint of emotion now in his voice as he stalked his way back to the front of the class. Stealing a glance at her before starting his lesson for the day. She is awfully lucky Im in a good mood today.. he fights to clear his thoughts as to make sure they do not come out at words knowing that would be embarrassing. He opens his textbook and begins his first lesson of the day.

What do you guys think so far?!?!
What is Jonathan hiding that he doesn't want anyone close to him?
Will he Persue Josline?
Do you think anything will happen between him and Lisa?!

Comment and let me know!!! Chapter 4 coming soon!

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