Chapter 2

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Josline watches and listens as Dr. Richards begins his lecture jotting down the important parts she may need for a test. She props her pencil against her lip listening quietly to his every word. Her mind begins to wonder.. I wonder where he is from.. his voice is so soft...yet quite demanding. And oh my lord sexy. He seems so passionate about his work... i wish someone were that passionate about me. She blinks coming back to herself she refocuses on his lecture hoping he didnt notice her daydreaming.

Dr. Richards scans his students as he lectures watching their expressions as he speaks. His eyes find her and he tries his hardest not to pop his hand on her desk to bring her back to him. He couldnt stand for someone to not pay attention. Oh if only he could just bend her sexy little ass over and teach her obedience.... Richards stop you idiot... she is your student. Even she is an adult. Your in the middle of a lecture dont let your mind wonder or you may regret it. Dr. Richards refocuses on the lecture and the rest of the class making a mental note to keep her after class.

   Josline looked down at her notes and smiled internally feeling proud for making them so neat when usually her notes were all scrambled and hard to understand. She closed her notebook and began packing her bookbag as she knew class was a few minutes from being over and she didnt want to be late for lunch again with Haley and Ginger. She glances to the front of the classroom and notices Dr. Richards watching her with a very  unreadable expression on his face. She shifts in her chair and shakes her head slightly to get the thoughts that were creeping through her mind to disappear. He is your professor Jossie dont even think about it.

" Josline. Come to my office before you leave today. I need to have a word." Dr. Richards voice rings out like silky bells wrapping around her most intimate sections. Josline stutters slightly but regains her composure rather quickly so no one in class... or Dr Richards... notices.

"Yes Sir." She replies glancing up to see the expression on his face has changed but she still wonders whats going on in his mind. How can he be so unreadable.


"Yes Sir." She replies back to him making his chest tighten. Dear lord why did that resonate so deep. Why did she have to sound so perfect every time she responded to his demand.

He watches her quietly hearing the stutter in her voice when she responds he lets out a slight chuckle a little smirk pursing on his lips. He could tell she was having a hard time reading him which is exactly how he liked it. He didnt want anyone... ever... to know what he was thinking....or the things he felt... he would never make that mistake again... not after.... her.

After class has ended Richards goes to his office organizing classwork and papers for the front office. He taps his pen against the desk his mind wondering to the expression on the girls face. Why could he not get her out of his head? He lets out a frustrated sigh and attempts to continue organizing his office when he hears a knock on his door.

"Fuck." He whispers forgetting he had called her to his office after class. "Come in." He said rather sternly now annoyed at himself for forgetting so easily.

"You needed to see me Sir?" Josline spoke softly a little worried tone in her voice. She walked into his office slowly obviously nervous, he watched quietly as she tugged at the hem of her outfit.

"Take a seat." He gestured to the chair in front of him, his voice a little softer tho still a hint of firmness in the tone of which he spoke.

"Yes Sir." She spoke softly the tone of his voice obviously having some type of effect on her. He tried not to laugh as he observed her behavior.

"I asked to speak to you because i noticed you were... lost in thought today in class instead of paying attention. Now I honestly could not care if you wish to learn anything in my class but i would prefer if you pay to take my courses that you show me the respect of paying attention during my lectures which takes me a great deal of time to prepare." He watches her his voice quite annoyed.

"Oh.. Yes Sir.. I... I... Im so sorry." She stutters fidgeting with the hem of her clothing obviously nervous.

"Don't let it happen again. Understand?" Richards speaks out his voice commanding but gentle all in the same breath.

"Yes Sir." She whispers her eyes slowing moving to meet his causing a burn deep in his stomach at the sight of her beautiful eyes.

"Fuck.." he whispers cursing at himself before he stands from his desk and walks to the window running his fingers through his jet black hair clearly showing his frustration.

"Excuse me?" She speaks softly a slight concerned tone in her voice.

"It's nothing. You may leave. Just please. Respect my time and Yours. You did spend money on this course. You should be more attentive." He speaks never turning to look at her as he hears her footsteps head towards the door.

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