Chapter 1

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Josline walks into the front doors of Rossdale University and smiles seeing her best friends Haley and Ginger walking to greet her on her first day of her third year of college. Ah the joys of junior year.

"Josie hey!! I missed you yesterday how was the meeting at the new firm?" Haley smiles and gives her a huge hug

"It was great! I start the week after graduation." Josline smiles and hugs her back looking over Haley's shoulder to her other best friend Ginger.

"Hey Gin, how did your vacation go in Tampa bay?" Josline shifts her books as they walk together to their first class, English lit. 1.

"It was great. I umm... I met a guy there and he was amazing and sweet and oh my damn. Josie he was smoking hot." Gin says nearly drooling.

"Did you give him your number?" Josline laughs looking over her schedule for the year.

"Well hell yes of course I did you dork. I'm not going to just let a sexy hunk like that walk away. We've been messaging every day since I left. He even wants to come up and visit my family one day." Ginger smiles giggling a little as she looks over at Josline's schedule. "Hey we have chemistry together this year. I hear there's a new teacher."

"Well that's great I hope this one treats you better then maybe Haley and I won't have to kill him." Josline laughs again and looks at her schedule. "Hmm third quarter huh? I wonder what the new teacher is like."

"Hey look here's the class let's peek in we still have time." Ginger says sitting her books down by the door.

"Guys I don't think that's a good idea. We may be late for our first class." Haley says a disapproving look on her face as she leans against the wall clearly annoyed by Ginger's -I don't give a shit- attitude.

"Lighten up Haley. We just want to see if he is in his classroom and what he looks like. You can't tell me you aren't the least bit curious about our new teacher." Gin remarks as she slowly peeks through the window of the classroom door.

"Well yes Gin I am curious but not so curious as to miss my first class of my junior year in college. If you two wish to stand here gawking then by all means do but I am making my way to class. See you both there." Haley retorts and rolls her eyes clearly upset she storms off to English.

"Is he inside?" Josline asks trying to peek inside.

"Yasss and God is he a hunk of man.!" Gin moves aside so Josline can look inside.

The sight she sees makes not only her heart skip but her panties wet as well tho she didn't know why. Dr. Richards was sitting at his desk feet propped up reading a book. Even from the window they could see his perfectly chiseled jaw bone and his luscious lips pursed into a sharp line as he concentrates on whatever he is reading. His dark black hair swept to one side falls playfully in front of his face, which he then elegantly sweeps back to it's place revealing his crystal blue eyes causing both the girls jaws to drop. As his fingers turn the page of the book in his hands Josline notices he for one isn't wearing a ring and two he has very masculine strong looking hands. Hands which she would love to feel around her hips...or her throat.. If he was into that sort of thing. She shakes her head slightly turning away from the window looking to Ginger a shocked look on her face.

Jonathan Richards possibly the sexiest man who has ever stepped foot on their campus

" He is our teacher?! How do they expect us to learn anything with a man that sexy in front of us all class period. I don't understand." Josline laughs softly before gathering her books taking a few glances inside to gaze as the new teacher.

"That's what I was thinking...but... I was also thinking I'm sure he has a lot more than chemistry he can teach." Gin smirks with a evil grin on her face.

"Oh Gin you turn everything sexual don't you lol. You need to get laid more." Josline laughs as they walk on to their English class now two minutes late.

"Yes...sadly I do need more action in my life." Gin laughs a little then goes to find her seat to listen to the lecture.

After english the girls went to history then their mathmatics class. Finally they landed in chemistry making sure to get seats in the front of class so they have the best view of their scrumptious teacher Josline smiles to Ginger and passes her a pencil for their work. She quietly watches Dr. Richards waiting for class to begin.

"Take out your notebooks and get ready to write." Dr. Richards addresses the class glancing up from his papers to scan the room of students Hmm we have quite the class this year. Oh..... who is this one here... She.... is different. His eyes rest on Josline. His cusiosity peeked as to who she is he returns to his papers for a moment more before standing to begin the first lecture of the semester.....

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