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I can't believe this. He just cut the call even before I could finish my sentence. So he doesn't trust me. I could feel my eyes stinging with tears but I refused them to fall. It was all my fault. I should have told him earlier. I couldn't understand what to do anymore. So I did the only thing that I always do whenever I am upset. I tried to forget it by making myself busy with something I prefer and let me tell you, it does work but only temporarily.

So after a few days, I tried to call Rudra again but as expected, he did not answer my call. Deliberately. I texted him to answer my call at least once. I needed to speak to him no matter however mad he was. Again no luck. I received no reply from him. "Great! So now I get the silent treatment." I thought. Hence I decided to leave him for himself again for few days till his anger cools down.

AFTER  10  DAYS.....
It's been ten damn days now. And guess what? I am still receiving ignorance from the person I want to speak with really bad for two damn weeks. "Enough of this." I thought. Now I am going to compel him to speak to me if he doesn't willingly reply to me. I texted him,'this is for the last time I am asking you, how long are you going to ignore me?'. I didn't receive any reply in return. This was for the millionth time I was apologizing to him even without my mistake. Never in my life have I ever been behind any person this long. This is too much for me.

I check my phone to see whether or not have I received a reply from Rudra, but what I saw next, had me shivering within seconds. Anger, frustration, guilt, sadness, shock and all my emotions going haywire.
'did he just block me from his contact list?' I can't believe this. Could this matter get any worse? Now I can't even justify my move. I wanted to scream. I had a sudden strong urge to damage something. I wanted to cry. 'why me?' I thought. I was broken. What do I get even after trusting him more than anyone. I was ready to sacrifice my everything for him. Hell, I was ready to leave my career just because his possessiveness knew no bounds. Now that I don't receive any attention from his side, am I able to understand everything....his anger and possessiveness have gotten into the way to his love. There is a fine line between trust and stupidity, which unfortunately, he couldn't understand. Instead of listening to my side of justification, he trusted those morons who where actually straddling that fine line.

I am sitting in my balcony, hearing some soft music when I hear my phone vibrating in my hand. I look at the screen to find Akshay, one of Rudra's best friends' name on my screen. I was about to cut the call when the phone slipped a little from my palm, only to get swiped across 'recieve' option. 'Great! See how lucky I am!' I thought. (Note the sarcasm). The call ended just after  almost five minutes, because I didn't want to hear him ranting about how lucky I was to have him as my lover and how foolish it was of me to let him go. It has happened all week since our breakup. All of his friends and even my besties have continuously pestered me to convince him even if it was his mistake, as if I was the one who decided to leave him. I kept my heart in his palm trusting him to treat it like a piece of some extremely fragile glass, but he just crushed it within his fist. He didn't just break it, he made sure to shatter it completely.

It's been a week since I am not able to concentrate on my studies despite being in class twelfth, not to mention the contribution of Corona outbreak within this year along with my heartbreak. I couldn't focus on anything. Hell I had lost my appetite, sleep, peace, anger control, everything. I didn't feel like to talk to my family members. I used to stay in my room all day without doing anything and crying myself to sleep at night. Yet, I tried my best in order to not let them know I was in trouble and acted normal as much as possible and somehow, I was succeeding too.....but only I knew how shaken and frustrated I was from within. 'do I deserve this?' had asked myself countless times. Then, in the midst of my anger, came a touch of reason. I remember my friend saying, 'Never cry for a person who doesn't value your tears,' once when we were sitting together and chatting on some random topic. How true! I thought. It's a high time to move on now. I can't wait for him to realise his mistake, all my life. Anyways it is too late now, and I am not going to cry over this anymore. I am better than this. It was just a phase of my life which eventually faded away along with time. I tried to convince myself.

But even I knew that it was easier said than done.........

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