Love Yourself

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"I can now let you go."

Jin couldn't stop hearing those words in his head. He was hurt when Jungkook said those words. He didn't know Jungkook would give him up so easily. He scoffed.

"For someone who claims to love me so much, he gave me up so easily. It's always been easy for him to let me go. I was never his priority." Jin thought to himself.

"Please say something, Jin." Jungkook pleaded.

"Thank you for telling me this, Jungkook-ssi. Eventhough I didn't understand your logic for your actions then, I'm grateful you explained them to me now. Sadly, you are too many years too late."

Jin then left the cafe without looking back at Jungkook. He walked back to his house and got his things. Mrs. Kim knocked on his door.

"Is everything alright, Jin?"

"Yes, Eomma. I talked to Jungkook. I let him explain his side of the story."

"Then, are you two okay now?" Jin shook his head.

"I don't know. I thanked him for explaining things and said his apology is late. I didn't know what to say, Eomma. He said he's letting me go because he can see how much Taehyung loves me. I mean, is it really that easy for him to let me go? I wasn't even surprised at this point, Eomma. It has always been easy for him to leave me alone. He'd drop me first without even thinking once the going gets tough."

"No, I don't think that was his intention, Jin. I saw him struggle when you weren't here. He built himself up, even his parents were surprised seeing him like that. Said he's doing this so that when he finally faces you, he'd be someone you will be proud of. So no, I think he's matured enough to let you go because he can see that you're finally happy. Even if it pains him. He's sacrificing his love for you so you can continue living your happy life."

Jin hugged his Eomma and cried. "Why does this have to happen to me? Why can't I be truly happy?"

"Because you are selfless, Jin. You always put other's happiness before your own. It is a good trait. But not all the time. You have to think of yourself also, once in a while. Honey, to be truly happy, you should love yourself first. Accept that you are just a man, you are entitled to make mistakes and learn from it. Don't seek happiness in others. Only you yourself can make you happy. Always remember that."

Mrs. Kim patted his son's back gently. She understands the struggle his Jinnie is going through. She can very clearly see that his son still loves Jungkook, but is so afraid of getting hurt again. He also doesn't want to hurt his boyfriend who's been there for him for a long time.

"Jinnie, baby, let me ask you something. Do you really love Taehyung? Or are you just grateful to him?"

Jin visibly tensed at his mother's question. He knows he love Taehyung. But seeing Jungkook fall apart in front of him hurts him a lot, and that surely means something.

"I love him, Eomma. I really do. I know it looks like I'm just staying with him because he's been there for me, but really, it's because I love him. Maybe not as much as I love Jungkook back then, but I love him."

Mrs. Kim nodded her head at his answer.

"I believe you, but please, don't forget to love yourself first, baby."

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