End of the Road

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Taehyung was annoyed. He was tired. He didn't get a wink of sleep last night because he felt guilty towards Jin. And now he has to get up and go to his office. Oftentimes he wonders if it was even worth it that he chose the company over Jin. He sighed. He'll just have to try and be a better boyfriend to him.

On the other side of the world, Jin was waiting for Taehyung's reply to his message. He couldn't focus on his work because he was anxious. He knows Taehyung wouldn't ignore him deliberately if he sends a message like that but he still wonders. Is it worth it to fight for this relationship? He sighed. He knows the answer, he has since he dropped him off at the airport that day. This is really the end of them. He wouldn't bother him anymore.

Taehyung forgot to call Jin that day. He was too engrossed with his job that he forgot about his fight with Jin. Jin was sad, but it's better than Taehyung calling him and hurting him again. Instead, he just tried his best to focus on his business.

Jungkook kept his promise to Taehyung. He took better care of Jin, always making sure that Jin is happy. He's on his way to Jin's house right now to bring his best friend's favorite food.

Jungkook: Jinnie, are you home? I'm heading over to bring your favorite food.

Jin: I am. Gosh you are heaven sent. I am starving.

Jungkook: You are always starving. Anyways, see you in a bit, beautiful. 😉

Jin smiled. His best friend is adorable. He can't believe a grown man with lots of muscles can be this cute. He shook his head. He shouldn't have thoughts like these towards Jungkook.

Jin's thoughts were interrupted when Jungkook arrived.

"Woah Jin, you looked like hell. What happened to you?"


"Cut the bullshit, Jin. What happened? Is it Taehyung? Did he hurt you again? I swear I'm gonna kill that jerk once he comes back."

Jin chuckled. He's very thankful that Jungkook is here with him. He didn't have to say anything, just one look at him and he knows what's going on in his life.

"You know what happened, Kookie. It's the end of the road for us."

"He broke up with you?"

"No, we haven't spoken those words yet, but I know. He's tired, I'm tired too. I've been fighting this battle alone. I can't go on like this."

Jungkook went around the table and hugged Jin who snuggled closer to Jungkook's warmth.

"I'm here for you, Jin. I won't leave you and we'll deal with this together. Don't be too sad, 'kay?"

Jin just nodded against Jungkook's chest and inhaled his scent deeply. It was familiar and his favorite. He was home.

They ate together while sharing a bunch of jokes. Jungkook washed the dishes while Jin retreated to his bedroom. He decided to call Taehyung and end their miseries once and for all.

Taehyung, of course, didn't pick up his calls. He knows Jin is calling but he doesn't have the time to deal with him right now. He's in the middle of a meeting and talking to Jin will just leave him distracted. So he turned his phone off, deciding to call his boyfriend after the meeting.

Jin exhaled deeply. Taehyung is ignoring him once more. He stopped calling and sent him messages instead.

Jin: I know you're busy. I promise this will be the last time you would ever hear from me. I'm really tired of fighting this battle alone. I'm tired of putting on a smile in front of you only for you to snap at me for something that I have no control about. I tried, so hard. Even if it hurts. I tried my best to stay with you because I really love you but this is it. This is the farthest I can go. Let's stop this before we hurt each other more.

Jin: Thank you for staying with me all these years. For putting up with me, for loving me the way you did. I will forever cherish those moments I had with you. I hope you also felt the love I had for you in those moments too. I wish you all the best in life, Taehyung. Good luck and goodbye.

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