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Izuku POV 

OFA  dreamscape

I look around the endless void of darkness knowing where i am i feel something tap my shoulder and see my dad arms crossed with a serious look on his face and i'm thinking i messed up but no my dad speaks up " IZUKU GOOD JOB ON KICKING THAT KID BAKUGO'S ASS" hugging me in the process i'm confused but after my dad's done he speaks again "more importantly we need to talk about your quirk yes its similar to mine but its different yours is stronger even before you got OFA just to let you know the backlash of using it to much you can suffer from major fatigue plus your fighting style is perfect  you've improved alot i just wanna say i'm so proud of you" after he said that i woke up

At U.A 

I sit in my desk and since i got there a bit early i took a nap. When everyone was in class i woke up and see Mr. Aizawa come in he tells us about how we did in the battle training and said we we're taking a class at an off campus facility he then holds up a card that Rescue and prompts us to get in our costumes and be on the bus

(Timeskip on the bus brought to you by a lazy writer)

No one's POV

As everyone gets on the bus izuku sits down and everyone starts talking when one of his classmates named tsuyu asui asked "Hey midoriya your quirk it reminds of the late hero Lariat" this made izuku scream internally but kaminari speaks up " u forget lariat didn't suffer from fatigue and he was more forward when fighting" after hearing that izuku let out a sigh of relief but kirishima adds to the conversation " yea its pretty cool you have a range combat quirk wish i had some thing more flashy my hardening is strong but not flashy" izuku assures him that his quirk is a pro level quirk and kaminari adds saying bakugo and todoroki have pro level quirks

The bus gets to the facility and everyone sees the space hero 13 and uraraka was excited they go in the facility called the usj and 13 explains the purpose   of the USJ 

When suddenly a portal appears and a man with pale skin light blue hair and hands every where plus a huge bird monster and many other villains kirishima speaks "whoa this place even has fake villains" after he said that eraserhead speaks "those aren't fake those are real villians, 13 watch over the students" he descends down when the misty portal appears behind the class kirishima and bakugo charge but the villain slpits the class up.

Izuku POV

the first thing that caught my eye was that guy with the hands but i got distracted that warp villain sent everyone to a different area at the USJ as of right now im falling about to fall in a pool of water and i fall in it i try to observe my surroundings when i see a villain coming my way....

To be continued    

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