The Sport festival announcement

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A/N: Hey guys i have returned form the gulag and i will update the series more often so thanks for reading my story it makes me feel great that you guys read this so thanks 

Background: After the USJ incident the school was closed for a week for the students to recover OK

Midoriya's POV  dreamscape : I look around and i'm in the dreamscape again and then i feel a hand hit my back i turn around to see my dad 

"Hey dad" i said

" Izuku YOUR GROWING UP SO FAST YOU KICKED BAKUGO'S ASS AND KEPT YOUR COOL WHEN VILLAINS INVADED THE USJ I AM SO PROUD OF YOU" Said my dad while hugging me with all his strength it could snap my back

" Thanks actually i was kind of panicking in the back of my head but i'm grateful dad" i said

"You fixed my goggles huh kid looks frickin cool better than my old ones" he said while looking at me 


"well times up see you next time izuku just go kick some ass at the sports festival"

Izuku wakes up

No one's POV

Izuku wakes up from the dream and he gets ready for school and eats breakfast and heads to school.

Timeskip to him getting to school

Izuku gets to school and see's his class but he also see's momo outside the door he greets her she turns around surprised, but she tells him good morning and they sit down in class. Eventually everyone gets to class and not to long after Eraserhead came in covered in bandages so much so that he could pass for a mummy.

"Okay this is every important in your time at U.A" said Mr. Aizawa in his normal tired voice 

This made all the students minds wonder what it will be .

"The U.A Sports Festival is coming up so be ready" 

This made all the students let out a sigh of relief, but izuku asked something

"Is that a good idea after all we were just attacked by villains and normally wouldn't it be a better idea to suspend it for a while" said izuku

" Normally yes that would happen, but the principal decide it was i good idea to let it happen this will show that U.A is resilient and won't be afraid also there will be heroes on secruity well that all i have to say"

After that all the students understood then Present Mic came in with his normal loud and flamboyant style. 

After everything the class starts getting ready to leave when izuku opened the door there were a bunch of other first years from other classes; this surprised the class then one of the people from the other class came up to the front and spoke he had unkempt purple hair and tired eyes

"SO this is the famous class 1-A your pretty famous"

"what are you doing here you can't keep us hostage" said mineta

" you know if someone from another class thats not the hero course the teachers can choose to add them to the hero course but one of you will be kicked out of the hero course" said the boy with a grin

"Move extra's get out of my way" said bakugo

" Bakugo you can't go around calling people extra's" said iida karate chopping the air

" Let me tell you extra's something i'm gonna win the sports festival and destroy you all" 

This was the spark to the flame everybody in the class were now dreading the fact that all the other classes have accepted his declaration of war also izuku realized that he had to try his hardest to keep up with bakugo also the purple haired boy is also a possible threat.

A/N: Hey guys i'm back sorry i haven't posted in a while school just started again and work has been hectic so i'll try to post if i can also thx for also voting on my story and reading it i greatly appreciate it 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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