A terrible pain

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Ginny's eyes shut open when she realized the presence of two men wearing long black robes. With only one glance, she knew who these men were. The first was Rudolphus Lestrange, he famous husband of Bellatrix, the same who had participated in the torture of Neville's parents. The second, Antonin Dolohov, was known to have killed the Prewett brothers, her uncles. They were powerful wizards, but Voldemort was better.

Then, Ginny immediately thought of Harry. Was he trying to save her? Will someone come for her at all?

What? How can she say that? She was being foolish. Of course, her family will always be there for her and mostly when she is in danger.

"Nobody coming for you, you silly little girl. And even if someone comes, it would certainly not be that Potter! Oh what? You think Potter loves you? You think that he cares about you? You're so wrong. He probably hadn't even noticed that you're gone."

"YOU LIE! YOU'RE JUST LIARS! HARRY'S COMING FOR ME!" She kept repeating to herself that last sentence. Of course he will come, will he? But hadn't he said that he would feel too guilty if something happened to her? Hadn't he broke up with her so she will be safe? Yes, he did at the time, but then they did broke up, so why would she be in danger! Her head was aching. Maybe he felt like she was a burden to him, so he ended their relationship. Maybe he felt like it was his responsibility to be with her, but with everything that happened, he wasn't able to support her. Could it be the reason?

If it's true, does he love her? Would he be worried? Would he save her life? She wasn't even sure about that anymore, but she had to be strong an above all, she had to keep hope. She had to keep thinking that he'll come for her.

"That's what I said, you're crazy." Lestrange was laughing so hard. "No one's going to help you. Now, speak or i'll curse you."

"I'm never going to say anything!" Ginny whispered.

"Too bad then."


As soon as she heard the spell, a lacerating pain shot through her body. The pain was such painfully that she was no longer able to hear or see anything. She couldn't even hear her own screams, so loud they could be heard from miles away. How could someone survive to that? How could Harry survived to that? The pain was indescribable. It was... It was pure torture. The spell seemed to last hours but in fact, it lasted only a few seconds.

"Now, I reckon you'll tell me something?" Dolohov said, looking bored.

"Not even close to." She tried to adopt a certain tone to show them that she would never speak. It's so hard, she told herself, but I have to remain strong. Harry will arrive, he will come and rescue me. But I'm so tired!

"Poor little baby. You try so hard to hold on to him, but don't you see that he doesn't love you? He doesn't want you. Now, don't you want the hurt to stop? All you have to do is -"


"Don't you dare interrupt me or you'll pay your life." Dolohov became angry. All he wanted to do is to kill her.

"So you say you want more?" Lestrange smiled at her. "Crucio!"

And then, she felt agony. Her body was burning from the inside, or that's what she felt. The only thing that she could think of was a pleasant place with white walls where you are free of all suffering. No! She couldn't think of that! She had to stay alive no matter what! She needed to stay for Harry. Oh but she terribly wanted to let go and die. She wanted the pain to go away, she wanted the life to let her go. How could she take more pain? It was too much.


"Not even close to." Ginny was barely able to speak, but seeing their faces, they understood what she meant.

"Rudol? What if we just kill the girl? She won't tell us anything and I can't stand that blood-traitor."

"You know that we can't! It's the Dark Lord's orders. Our master's orders are the law. We have to make her speak."

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