An Order of The Phoenix meeting

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"Where are they?" asked Remus Lupin.

"I'm so sorry! T-T-They left to where G-G-Ginny's kept-t-t-t," responded Molly. She was crying over her husband's shoulder. "I-I couldn't d-do anything."

"WHAT?? THEY LEFT? How could they do that? The three of them could easily die! And you let them go?"

"I-I'm s-s-sorry! R-Ron yelled at m-me a-a-and they l-left too-o-o quickly. Don't y-you think t-that I-I-I'm not w-worried? I-If they d-d-d-die, it would be m-my fault-t!"

"Oh no, it would not be your fault! Don't even think about that! They are old enough to choose themselves if whether they go or not. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. But I need to know one thing. Do you know where they went?" said Remus.

"No idea," cried Molly.

Suddenly, Fred and George Weasley came into the meeting room. They had used the extendable ears to hear the whole conversation of the Order of the Phoenix.

"We do know- started Fred

Where they went" finished George.

"You do?" said an other member of the order.

"Yeah, we heard them talking about it earlier," said Fred.

"And...?" asked Lupin.

"Well, we don't really know if we should tell it now..." said George.

"Just to keep it more, well, funny, you know," continued Fred.


"Woah, woah, calm yourself woman. Okay, they left for the Malfoy Manor!" Fred told them.

"Yeah, calm down. We don't know where it is, but we guess they know..." added George quickly as he looked at his mother's eyes.

"You could have told us before, you would have saved us a lot of time..." said Bill Weasley, standing up like the other members. He was the oldest of the Weasley's child. He was the one who always protected Charlie, Fred and George, Ron, Percy and mostly Ginny. He was overprotective with her and especially after Ginny has been possessed by Voldemort. He loves his sister, and always regrets not to be with her more often. But now she has been kidnapped...

He looked really exhausted, he rushed at home as soon as he were told that his sister was kidnapped. He hadn't lived in Egypt for years since the Order of the Phoenix was created for the second time, because he had to be reachable at every moment, in case of emergency. He was actually living in England with Fleur Delacour, who just turned out to be his fiancé. But he didn't want to celebrate while his sister could be... Well... Could be tortured.

"We weren't allowed to come to the meeting! How were we supposed to tell you?" responded Fred.

"A simple rule has never stopped you! A proof, I bet you were using your extendable ears to hear the whole conversation!" Bill became angry. "And it's Ginny's life we are talking about!"

"Let's calm down!" they heard from the other side of the room. It was a man rather skinny and tall. They didn't know who he was, but before the twins could ask him, he talked again. "If they are at the manor, we should build a plan, and quickly, because there is supposed to be a Death Eaters meeting according to Snape."

It was Remus's time to talk. "Well, if Ginny is really there, we'd have to look in the dungeons, as it may be the place where they keep her. So we must find a way to get there without being seen. The only problem is Harry, Ron and Hermione. We'd have to find them if they are not already discovered. We'd have to find them and find Ginny. It will be risky, but we should be able to do it. We just have to find a plan of the house and build a strategy with the best members of the Order as it is sure that Voldemort is going to be there."

"You're right, but Hermione is clever; she'll know where to go to avoid the Death Eaters. So we might have a chance on that." said Arthur.

"Can someone bring me a plan of the house?" asked Kingsley who has been quiet since the beginning of the meeting.

"Here I have it!"

An other member of the Order gave him larges pieces of paper, on which was an enormous house drawn on it. It contained a lot of rooms, too much actually. It was almost half of Hogwarts, and the field was even bigger. Their were more than 15 rooms in the dungeons, and all of them could be the one Ginny was in. It would be really difficult. But they didn't have a choice. They couldn't lose four teenagers, especially Harry Potter. He was the one to kill Voldemort. Without him, they had no hope. No, they couldn't lose him. It took two hours, but they finally came up with a plan. A good plan. They only had to hope that they would still be alive...

Hi!!! It's the first time that I talk directly to all of you! I'm sorry I didn't post another chapter before, but I kinda lost faith in the fiction... I didn't feel like it was important and great to you guys, but I hope it is! So, back to the fiction, I kinda have an idea about the next chapters... I thought about bringing the story of the book 7 of the Harry Potter novels, and of course I would modify some parts, especially with Ginny in it, but I'd keep some quote of the book. I do not own the Harry Potter character and everything, I just want to use it to make my story better. So I hope you like it and please leave a comment telling me if I should do it or not. And please leave a like and comment, it means so much to me!!! Together we will bring Harry Potter back to life!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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