Part 2

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I had taken a ship from Summerset Isle to Hammerfell a good few nights past and had since had little sleep. Once on land I took rest at an Inn not far from the harbour; ‘Travels Rest’. It was here whilst I sat at the bar drinking and eating to my content that I overheard a conversation regarding a college in Skyrim. One that specialises in the alcane arts.

“I’m just saying that you won’t be finding many Redguards in that college that’s all.”

“And? It doesn’t mean that I can’t go!”

“No no my dear, it’s just.. see.. see that elf there by the bar? Now that is the kind of person you’d find at the college. Probably on his way there now.” 

I, hearing myself being mentioned, turned hesitantly on my stool to look at these persons. One an older woman, the other quite young, about my age and clearly strong willed.

“So if he can go to the college then why can’t I?” The younger asked

“Well my dear-”

“Are you on your way to the college?” The youngest burst, impatient at most, her manners shocking me quite.

“I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about. I know of no college.” I replied simply. They must have thought me mad by the look on their faces.

“The College of Winterhold. The best college in alcane art for miles, you must have heard of it” The younger one screeched, her eyes alight.

“I’m afraid -“

“But you know magicka right?”
“Yes. Tons. In Summerset Isle we-“
“Well you must go! I’m going there you know, you can come with me if you’d like.”

“You’re not going Revel and that’s that.” The older one snapped, standing and  grabbing the girls wrist as she did. “Now come, we have business to attend to.”


As I lay in my bed that night, I thought about this college, The College of Winterhold, maybe I would find my place there among their mages. I know more magika than several of their mages combine I must think, perhaps I could teach there ..


What? I sat bolt upright in the bed, eyes on stalks. I immediately poised my hands casting a flame in each, filling the room with a warm glowing red.  I could just about make out a figure hovering at the end of my bed, and as my eyes adjusted to the flickering light I recognised the young Redguard girl from the bar earlier that evening. Revel. What was she doing in my room?

She began to move slowly towards me. I raised my hands, the flames dancing in my palms, and in the sudden realisation that I could kill her in seconds she backed off again.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked, perhaps a bit sharper than I should have.

“I need you to take me to the college.”

I paused “I’m not going to this college, I told you that earlier.”

“You must have thought about it though. A High Elf like you, you’d love it.”

I simply remained silent, shocked by her determination and... and her pure  rudeness.

“Someone has to take me, and you can teach me magicka too, you can tutor me-“
“Please, Revel, just leave. I’m not going to this college and I’m not going to take you okay, so just get out of my room.”

“But you’re a-“
“But you’re a HighElf, I’ve heard it all before girl now I’m going to teach you magicka and I’m not going take you to this college. Now please, leave me at peace!”

The room feel silent. She just stood there, her posture tall and strong, her uncharacteristically light hair falling down her dark tanned shoulders, her bright eyes piercing.

She decided to take a different approach,

“So what brings you here then.” She finally snapped “High Elfs have no buissness here in Hammerfell, and the only business High Elfs have in Skyrim is either with regards to the college or to the Thamlor, and as you have so clearly told me you have no business with the college you must be with the Thalmor.”

The Thalmor? How dare she associate me with those bastards! Letting my anger get the better of me, a burst of flame escaped my palm and shoot across the room, catching alight a tapestry hanging on the wall. I jumped out of the bed, grabbing a half empty goblet of mead from the bedstead, and through it carelessly at the tapestry, leaving it damp and mildly burnt.

I turned to the girl, who just stared at me, half naked, as if she was expecting me to change my mind.


- - xx - -

sorry about all the spoken language in this, it annoys me too but there is no other way to do this scene :/ Revel is such a sneaky weasel!  i ship it already

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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