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2 May 1998

Happiness without Sadness,

Love without Pain,

And Light without Darkness.

One by itself the other ceases to exist,

But together,

They balance each other and

Make it possible for all to exist.

This is my story to share,

My tale to tell

Where without being broken first,

I would not have become strong.

This is my Broken Tale.

4 May 1998

"State your full name for the record." The record keeper demanded. "Liahona Vala Jamie Belle." I say, lifting my head tall. "Thank you. Miss. Belle, do you know why you are here?" The Minister Kingsly Shaklebolt asked politely. I smile knowing this was just for the press and all their questions. He knew I was completely innocent. Still, they awaited my story. I sat in a chair surrounded by government officials waiting to either accuse me or set me free. I knew not who would vote for me as an innocent or who wished to see me thrown in Azkaban. Among the Officials, Hermione, Ron, and Harry sat staring me down with a mixture of pity, anger, loss, sorrow, and disgust. I ignored them all and responded to Shacklebolt "Yes Minister I do." I stated Shacklebolt waved his hand and a guard holding a small droplet of clear odorless liquid in his hands paced towards me. He placed five crystal clear droplets of liquid into my opened mouth. I swallowed them without any taste. "Then please tell us from the beginning all we need to hear pertaining to the matter at hand. Whether you should gain freedom is up to what tale of truth you tell." The minister had said allowing me to speak with the veritaserum spreading throughout my veins.

"I suppose I should start at the very beginning before I joined the Dark Lords' forces. Before I realized I was in love with my cousin's enemy. Before I even arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I should start with the day of my parent's devastating Murder. The day my world became broken..." I started and then the truth began to pour its way out of me and all I could do was let the dam within me burst open, for there was no stopping it...


I just want to thank anyone who is reading this. So thank you I appreciate it. Please vote.

- Lia C.

A Broken Tale - D.M FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now