Chapter 1 - Dorms

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bruh sorry this first chapter is so long I got caught up writing lmaoo


I open my eyes, the bright light beside me, soft music in the background, and uncomfortable twinge in my neck confusing me for a moment before I realize I fell asleep while writing again. Fuck. Thankfully, I was only using a pencil, so nothing got ruined.

My papers are crumpled a bit and I straighten them out, reading over the last line before the line of pencil trails off to try to remember what exactly I was writing.

A letter to my grandparents, I find, and where the pencil smudged from my unconsciousness I lift the paper, finding another small sheet with a drawing of what looks like an erlking. I vaguely remember sketching it.

Quite terrifying creatures, really, waiting by the forest for children who stay in too long and then killing them without any effort or thought to it.

What a fantastic way to wake up.

I straighten my back, stretching my neck and groaning slightly as I try to fully wake up. I put my papers together, placing them in one of the pages of my notebook before I set it and my pencil down on my desk. I lean over to where my phone is plugged in and check the time.

Wednesday, September 1

I turn it off, ignoring the notifications, and sit up, adjusting myself so I'm sitting with my back against the headboard. I run my hands through my hair, brushing it fully out of my face and then bring them down. I rub my eyes, squeezing them shut before I lean over and place my palms on the bed, still trying to wake up. I stretch like this for a minute or two before I straighten back up, my back cracking and neck still sore on one side.

It's very early. I'm not exactly happy to have woken up at this time but I know myself better than to think I'm going to be able to fall back asleep.

I reach over and grab my computer, still open with some ambience music playing. I decide to leave it playing and put it back down, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back against the wall gently.

As I sit there, I realize for the first time since waking up that today I go back to Hogwarts. I smile softly, imagining seeing my friends again, being there, studying magic.

I have been continuing my own magical education individually over the summer, but in school it's more enjoyable. I worked for most of the summer at an old magical library that doubled as a shop, selling everything from crystal balls to poison. I'll probably go back next summer as well to if everything works out. It pays surprisingly well, and it's close to my apartment.

The money from my job certainly isn't what fully sustains me, but I do like paying for as much as I can with my own money. My grandparents are generous enough, and my parents did leave me a good amount of money, they certainly weren't poor, and even my brother would probably send some money if I were dying or starving or something, but I guess I do just enjoy having something to do that feels fulfilling.

I have seen some of my friends over the summer as well, since travel really isn't an issue for wizards it's been no obstacle that I'm in Paris. Axel and James came for a few days, so did Pansy and Ari. Even Mattheo visited, but he usually does that out of obligation. Our families have always been close, both being mostly french, so his mother usually visits me or just sends Mattheo to come see me.

He was acting different this time, though. He spent pretty much the entire day here and spent a good amount of that time staring at me, or interrogating me about who I'd seen and who I know in Paris.

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